@UGCNETTestbook 3 дня назад +1
👉If you are serious about becoming an assistant professor, fill out the Google Form Now - forms.gle/JjWEmVk9sFTPyzWK9
👉UGC NET Foundation Batch 2.0 June 2025 Fill the Google Form Now - forms.gle/PRnj73joNjwimHyA9@Krantiveer-y7u4 дня назад +111
Only written test selection hona chahiye nahin to ek Garib Vidyarthi ke pass net PhD ke certificate bekar hi rahenge
@JaiveerSingh-xc7xv4 дня назад +70
इलजिबिलिटी के साथ प्रतियोगी परीक्षा होनी चाहिए।
कमेटी की निष्पक्षता संदेह के घेरे में रहेगी।@shra1gzp4 дня назад +241
Kewal pariksha ke madhyam se assistant professor ki bharti honi chahiye nahi to bade log apane bachcho ko hi rakhange
@ALOKKUMAR-em8fw4 дня назад +17
Sbhi ye suggestions kro, maine to written exam ke through selection ke liye mail kiya hai
@Anjugurjar-s9b4 дня назад +16
Htana h to interview hta do only paper k basis p kro.... Gk hi hta do kch new hi krna h to... 😢
@factsutsav69084 дня назад +3
@@shra1gzp mera v ehi maana hai
@SpalRajpal4 дня назад
जीके हटाकर टीचिंग एप्टीट्यूडकर दो@@Anjugurjar-s9b
@navneetmanitripathi41334 дня назад +4
@@ALOKKUMAR-em8fwफिर तो तुमको फायदा मिल जाएगा रिजर्वेशन का। ये क्यों नही बता रहे हो!
@nobitabhau4 дня назад +70
4:08 save your time
@shubhamrathore42734 дня назад +60
सिर्फ एक। योग्यता सबसे जरूरी हैं , "भाजपा का सदस्य होना " ।।
बाकी सारी योग्यता गई तेल लेने 😊😊@Vikashkumar-ez9zl2 дня назад +1
Wow, tab to me ban jaunga...😅😅😅
@itsyourchanel20172 дня назад +1
@@Vikashkumar-ez9zltumhara bhi nhi hoga , tumko lagta hai ki tum bhajpa se ho ek baar bhajpa ke leader se koe kaam bol ke dekho tumko khud realise ho jayega
@EuphoniousWords3 дня назад +17
Instead of reducing bias and subjectivity in the selection process these people continue to find ways for back door entry to facilitate entry of pre-selected candidates through political and financial influence .
@R.K6934-r6x4 дня назад +67
ज्यादा खुश होने की जरूरत नहीं, सिर्फ नियम बदले हैं 7yrs में vacancy कब तक? और नियम जो भी हो परिवारवाद/भ्रस्टाचार कभी खत्म नहीं होगा 😢😢
@samaira22894 дня назад +1
Good sir
@Viralbihariladka4 дня назад
@@R.K6934-r6x abhi lagu n hua hai bs draft bna hai
Laaagu hone b n dega itna asani se@shikhavishwakarma45944 дня назад
Yes isme abhi v changing hongii hona hoga to
@KK_Editss94 дня назад
Sahi kaha privarvad bhut hota hai higher education ki vacancies me
@nabamukhuu49184 дня назад +22
Atleast NET/SLET should be Considered because After lots of Hardwork people Clears NET
@tulikaraisingh51323 дня назад +2
NET/ SET is considered
@sameerlamba236022 часа назад
Kahan consider ho rahe ha btech mtech will enjoy asst professorship without net
@boisterousboi4 дня назад +55
We should condemn this new regulation. Many More aspirant gave their precious time to crack NET Exam to achive their drem A.P , now some are pursuing Phd or completed Phd after spending 7 to 8 years. Many more pupils are waiting for College Service Commission which takes 3to 5years to Open Once. So whats the point for bringing new regulations that they cannot provide jobs to aspirants who already done whatever qualification to be needed for AP.
After doing all these NET/SET/M.PHIL/PHD Now they just say no need of NET SET MPHIL PHD, You Need Other 9 Different qualities for AP. What the Heck to Education Minister Mr Dharmendra Pradhan.
I dont Understand This.
If it is So then why aspirant focous in Net Set phd, why they conduct these Exams, and what about those who have already cracked net set phd and still waiting for CSC for long 3-4 yesrs😢😢@clinton30984 дня назад +4
Yup true all the publications that they demand earlier ......what about the PhD too ? In other countries, PhD is well recognised....and scoring 75 % in UG , some well regarded but conservative university does not even give that as much
@souradeepchanda28814 дня назад +3
Makes no sense, students who are pursuing PHD and those who have completed the PhD programme will completely loose faith.
@786success4 дня назад +2
in short they dont want to recruit asst professors ...this regulation is irregular
@kalyani_sh4 дня назад +2
It's still more or less the same .... ultimately net is required ... And for promotion, phd is required
@irfandar38433 дня назад
@@kalyani_shagr inhu ne phd ko extra much points diye for A.p k lye ...to fr net just eligible hoga baki select nhi....aisa hai ya nhi??
@S.K.Suthar-lv3kd4 дня назад +15
पैसा चलेगा जो पैसा देगा उसका ही सिलेक्शन होगा। एग्जाम होना चाहिए AP के लिए यही बेस्ट है और मध्यम वर्ग के लोगों के हित में है।
@secretsreality3424 дня назад +8
First stage me examination bhi add karna chahiye uske baad ye sare steps lene chaiye taki partiality na ho nahi to jo pehle se universities me vo apne hi logo ko help karenge salections me
@adityayadavallahabaduniver46694 дня назад +15
Paisa collect kro,assistant professor bano😂
@ratnadeepbhattacharjee8914 дня назад +6
Great, a holistic approach, sab ke liye kuch hain
@DIGESHWARLAUTRE4 дня назад +21
ये नियम सिर्फ पूंजीपतियों को फायदा पहुंचाने के लिए। है ।
@samratsingh8974 дня назад +2
पूंजीपति बिजनेस करते हैं प्रोफेसर बनने नहीं आते चाचा 😂
@NehaSingh-t6v2i3 дня назад
Ab punjipati professor bhi banege
@vikassharma69493 дня назад
नियम समझ तो आ गए ना? 😂😂😂😂
@know14554 дня назад +85
ये भ्रष्टाचार का ड्राफ्ट है और कुछ नहीं 😂
@ontheearth94694 дня назад +5
Ye mast hei bhrastachar toh API pe hota h
@supertube24724 дня назад +1
Ye sahi hai
@Viralbihariladka4 дня назад
@@ontheearth9469 dono me corruption hi hai
@clinton30984 дня назад
@@supertube2472 keise because you did not publish anything....????
@clinton30984 дня назад +1
@@ontheearth9469because you did not publish anything?
@gamingwithsoul31994 дня назад +19
Bhaiya ye kya kiya ho har koi eligible hai AP ke liye API score bhi nhi aur koi deciding exam nahi to fir paisa dena wala system chalega
@householdstrend76964 дня назад
Jb hr koi eligible h to exam based selection hi hoga bheed ko side krne ke liye
@gamingwithsoul31994 дня назад +3
@@householdstrend7696 Hope so yrr warna Aisa to I know I been to master and prof do a lot favouriteism towards their students HOD ke sare bacha hi prof banega 😂
@madhusmitabehera364 дня назад
@@gamingwithsoul3199😂😂😂 wohi wohi
@aloof12794 дня назад +4
75% in UG😮,
I'm out😢.
This all should be done on the basis of written examination, not on merit basis😢
What the hell they are doing !!!!@farhaanrashid88524 дня назад +13
Mtlb phd publication and experience is useless now?
@manasmaity28674 дня назад +4
😢😢😢.......Ye log zindagi ke saath khilwaad kar rahe hain
@clinton30984 дня назад +22
Yeah 75% in UG .....Wow which university???? Just wow
@anneshasaha55944 дня назад +2
that's fr 4 years UG degree graduates
@KunjuNarzary-e4y4 дня назад +2
It's unacceptable
@clinton30984 дня назад +2
@@anneshasaha5594 not necessarily some university renowned they don't give that as much ....... Some universities launch their rockets as high as they can ..
Some are still conservative.abd what about the 3 year ug? Here also some renowned universities are very very very conservative@madhusmitabehera364 дня назад
@@clinton3098 कभी भी जब मन किया चेंज कर देते हैं, फिर पुराने बच्चों का क्या होगा,,
@maverick_echo14 дня назад
😂😂 find another job
@Anita-yw4fj3 дня назад +3
Y private university pr b same rule applicable hoge kya ma'am jo es draft m mention h..???
@Innervoice_Sukoon4 дня назад +10
Direct Merit based Recruitment after NET qualification means what?????????
When we qualify NET, and Vacancy will come, we will apply for vacancy, and there will be no exam or interview by department, only merit of NET scores will be taken to appoint as Assistant Professor at level 10
Am i correct ❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓@AnandKumar-bk6td2 дня назад
Nope.. Your interview will be taken by selection committee
@englishwaalaa4 дня назад +6
He has increased corruption,ek Exam to NET ka fair nahi kara dakta, always eants to be in news.... bachhon ko torture kr rakha hai.He wants to centralize appointment for corruption
@Prem-0114 дня назад +6
UPSC के द्वारे exam honi चाहिये
@ramaiahkolluru29714 дня назад +1
To make the interview process fair and transparent, let the selection committee write their specific reasons (minimum 5 ) for the selection of candidate over the others instead of grading them with marks without soecific reasons. Since the faculty posts are limited and precious, the university or college should take necessary approval by providing proper justification of the qualifications ( teaching or research or both) consisting of atleast 200-250 words for recruiting a faculty to avoid overlapping specializations and to take faculty with different specializations and avoid duplicity
@anilsharma-jw3km2 дня назад +1
NET /SET जरुरी होना चाहिए और PhD भी होनी चाहिए....
तभी एजुकेशन सिस्टम सुधरेगा...@Innervoice_Sukoon4 дня назад +10
Very well Explained ✅📍
@tulikaraisingh51324 дня назад +2
Thank you so much🙏🏻
@Viralbihariladka4 дня назад
@@tulikaraisingh5132 mam api hat gya hai na?
Apne video me bola hai pr log maan n rhe
Plz clear krdo ek baar mam
@kumargaurav26674 дня назад +1
Mam any rules for recruitment of assistant professor in clinical psychology at RCI institutions , aiims, NIMHANS, cip ranchi
@lumiarstudios38773 дня назад +2
Remember Rancho's dialogue.... "Excellence ke piche bhago....".
Now it's marks ke piche bhago... Voh bhi 75%+ UG marks ke piche😂😂😂😂@Deepakkr21003 дня назад +1
Only exam based selection process hona chahiye, eligibility NET/JRF/PhD.....API and new condition kvl ur kvl corruption ko bdhaega
@Kumarnath1234 дня назад +11
One confusion UGC NET is required or not for Assistant professor?
@p.s.t98444 дня назад +1
@shikhavishwakarma45944 дня назад +1
Net hi to mandatory h
@Sins_clash4 дня назад +1
Net is required…
@tapamoyghosh3094 дня назад +2
If you do phd then net is not needed
@18bhagyalekshmipol504 дня назад
Net or phd
@kksingh80874 дня назад +2
Kya exam ke liye qualification jo chahiye hota like net +pg this also change i mean now no need for net to be eligible for assistant professor exam please bataye
@AbhishekKumar-li3xi3 дня назад
Madam 🙏, kya aapke platform pe Philosophy paper ki preparation karai jaati hai ❓
@barsa32273 дня назад +2
Soch rahi hnu ugc chairman badalana chaiye ya fir education minister😂
@pangambamuttamkumar4718День назад
Great idea and we sud support the new regulations. At least every engineers will sit for an interview n prove his calibre.. If necessary update at the earliest.
@rajeevsharma43194 дня назад +3
Kya ab assistant professor ke liye exam nahi hua karega???
Agar aisa hai to neeyat saaf dikh rahi hai… ghoos khilao aur selection le lo… kamal hai@monalisapatra29354 дня назад
Ma'am are these norms applicable for technical courses as well like pharmacy ??
@yogeshluhera28804 дня назад +1
Ma'am, is API score waive by this notification????
@એકપગલુંઆકાશમાં2 дня назад +1
Thank you ma'am every youtuber gave totally wrong information only you one can explain to us perfectly .
@tulikaraisingh51322 дня назад
I am glad that you understood this😊
@showaibzaman4004 дня назад +4
After new ugc regulations
Ease of doing Corruption in education 📈@aparnatrivedi1497День назад
Mam is it valid for physics student also i mean for csir ugc net also
@arpity....49012 дня назад
UG in political,geo , english and PG in political....... Can I give net in Anthropology??????
@Sonali-ui4jr4 дня назад
Kya machanical engineering se B.tec rahane pr net ka paper de sakte hai ????please reply @Tulika Ma'am 🙏🙏
@rajatpandey13274 дня назад +3
Guys mail this suggestion for exam based recruitment only
@simrannathoo17994 дня назад +4
Then what is the need for net for admission to phd program
@ankuursrivastavaДень назад
Usi ko hata rahe hain 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@SagarChokakkar3 дня назад
Mens no net and set required?
@sandhyachauhan71094 дня назад
Mam kya ab hm without net assistant professor post ke liye apply Kr skte hai
@badassarmy42614 дня назад
Can you explain 3rd criteria for eligibility
@bremdevprasad7923 дня назад +1
NEt is needed. API should be removed. Recruitment must be based upon written exam.
@syedmubashirali35682 дня назад
Mai Msc Information technology kar raha hu
Aur net clear kiya computer science mai
Kyuki IT mai hai nhi
Ab mare pass koi option hai kya AP apply karna ka
Please rply if anybody knows@preetysaini75004 дня назад +1
Master m agr 55 percent s jyada ho or ph.d ho to eligible h kya mam
@Anushika7034 дня назад +4
Net exam not needed ah anymore?
@anjalilahre94624 дня назад
Ha plz explain kuch smjh ni aya mjhe
@sierasunukurian4 дня назад
So will there be guest lecturer vacancies or is that also removed. Kindly respond to my query.
@amit1000ize3 дня назад
Agr mera pg english h or m netexam hindi litt. K de sakta hu kya
@leniot24963 дня назад +2
Mera net bhi qulify nahi he lakin pg 69 % se he tho kya me professor ke liye bhar paaungi pls answer
@EhsaasWithArun3 дня назад +1
@AnandKumar-bk6td2 дня назад +1
Agar PhD hai then yes otherwise no
@leniot24962 дня назад
Phd tho nahi he fir kya sense ki net nahi chahiye
@leniot24962 дня назад
Me tho khud ho gai thi ki direct bhar paayenge without net ke😔
@pangambamuttamkumar47183 дня назад
Is it applicable to NIT s and IIIT s also.????
@littleangel8396День назад
Masha Allah...🎉
@rajarshimajumder13923 часа назад
But on the first note the number. of attempts must be made limited in case of Net exam as many candidates appear for exam on a regular basis every year for which the cut-off score gets higher as the newbies in Net exam get more challenges in clearing the exam
@souravadhikary6204 дня назад +9
Only written/descriptive method is needed...
@clinton30984 дня назад
@@souravadhikary620 ...on what ground are you saying this?
@luckycharm31324 дня назад
Thanks for this highly informative video
@shineestar93274 дня назад
Mam msc kiye hue bi assistant professor ka exam de skte h kya
@TururuAnar-sn6kh3 дня назад
MA followed by net = kya?
@Ishaka81017 часов назад
चले हम सब मिलकर इस नियम का विरोध करें 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@YT-ti1ql3 дня назад
They have mentioned Contractual faculty but what about the Guest faculty?
@tulikaraisingh51323 дня назад
No mention so far. That’s a valid point
@Hmmmgflyhddds-z6p4 дня назад
Then we don't need to give net exam?
@kavya44 дня назад +5
It's confusing can anyone tell, NET is mandatory to become an AP? Or not..
@tulikaraisingh51324 дня назад +2
Yes. Phd once you get promoted from level 11-12
@Sins_clash4 дня назад
Yes net is important
@tapamoyghosh3094 дня назад +1
No if you have only pg degree no phd then net mandatory if you have phd degree you don't need net/ Set
@manpreet_kour_92 дня назад
Fir to universities aur labs ko institutional entrance based admission deni chahiye Phd me... NET ki preparation me time q deinge bache agr job k liye NET chahiye hi nhi
@kumariabhilasha56292 дня назад
Kya graduation aur post graduation ka subject same hone must h .? Kya graduation m different subject ho skta h
@csiraspirant92712 дня назад
Same question
I have ug in biotechnology and msc in zoology
Would that be a problem
@komalverma90942 дня назад
Agree ke kuch nahi hoga sirf sifarish wala he aaga jatta ha unha he consider kiya jatta hai. Phd ka liya bhi entrace band ho gaya but, on the basis of sifarish phd only student consider not jrf.
@Anjugurjar-s9b4 дня назад +1
Mam ab ek video m yh bhi bta do rpsc exam conduct hoga ya nhi
@debalinadeka88144 дня назад
Nep ke under Ug me 75% matlab hum sab jitne bhi subjects padhenge un sabka marks milake ya phir sirf core papers ke marks include karenge ?
@Anjugurjar-s9b4 дня назад +1
Rpsc exam hoga na assistant professor ka ya fir kch hi or h
@RameshKumar-ju6rh4 дня назад +1
Mera phd bhi hai pg me 79%hai or ug me 66% hai bewasi hai kia kare ugc ko post kare
@priyanshiyadav23094 дня назад +1
Mam obc ko 5 per cent ki relaxation milegi
@SANJAYKUMAR-hj3yx2 дня назад
Professor of Practice in new UGC Draft?@anjalisharma-fk7ne4 дня назад +3
ph.d ke sath bhi net compulsory hai?
@Ashu.Sharma184 дня назад
@tapamoyghosh3094 дня назад
@tapamoyghosh3094 дня назад
If you only have pg degree no phd then net mandatory if you have phd you dnt need net /set
@rajendersingh-hf5rt3 дня назад
@@tapamoyghosh309 PG bhi compulsory hai kya...ya sidha NET ya Ph.D kr skte hei...??
@tapamoyghosh3093 дня назад
PG compulsory hain
@OfficialRishabhdevДень назад
Heloo, somebody please reply
Horticulture se pg k bad
Hindi se master's kar k Hindi me net jrf qualify kar k assistant professor Hindi me bna ja skta hi kya?@karandogara98574 дня назад
Madem api score hat gaya to student ko short listed kasay karay ga
@Aditya-ok9hl4 дня назад
Aur Not found suitable bana rahega obc sc st students ke liye .
@PoojaSingh-qx2qt2 дня назад
Government ko common proofessor test exam all india basis pe lena chahie like upsc. Vacancy k according automatic selections hote. Othwrwise everywhere curruption.
@sakshitiwari20064 дня назад
Is it for csir also
@ldk73704 дня назад
UGC prati saal kiu nahi recruitment karti hhe mam?? O bisai me toh kuchh nahi bola?
@SumitKumar-jb3cj4 дня назад
UG degree pr apply kr skte hai Assistant professor ke liye...
@rajguru95633 дня назад
To 10 ko net ka exam du ya nhi du?
@shivanshdubey83334 дня назад +2
Mam mai Deled kar raha hu , IGNOU se sath me hi MA kar skta hu ????
@अभिजीतठाकुर-व7श4 дня назад
Govt school (class11-12) ke teaching experience Assistant professior me count hoga?
@meerasharma244 дня назад
@yamininikhare42384 дня назад
ME kiya hai to eligible hai kya ya Net exam dena padega
@priteshnagarkar8304 дня назад +3
Govt school or college me teacher student ratio 1:25 ho or sabhi college me public administration subject bhi ho or OBC Ko unki population ke anupat me 35 se 45% reservation de
@bhadorishistory87854 дня назад
Harr baat m reservation chahiye hota hai ,... reservation ke bina kuch hota nhi h kya
@kumargaurav26674 дня назад
Mam i am m.phil in clinical psychology with ma psychology degree .can i apply as assistant professor in level 10 category
@ranjitaprasad41354 дня назад
Hi Ma'am
Es pdf provide kar digiye please
Or site share kigiye please@skumargupt4 дня назад +1
Ab Exam se hoga ya nahi ye clear nahi huaa
@tulupatra4110День назад
Librarian recruitment kaise hoga
@jyotsanasingh431520 часов назад
75% in UG will be achieved by only private university students...
Me being 7th rank in allahabad university only had 73%@RahulPal-gh2nh3 дня назад
To ab exam nhi hua karega kya?
@himpandey4 дня назад +1
Akela esa exam hai jiski roj eligibility change hoti hai😮
@irfandar38433 дня назад
Kyu ki eligibility yh aise set krty taki bdy logu k apny relatives or bachy selection ly
@ajaykumarbaiga574 дня назад +1
Ye faltu ke regulation hai. Jisne us subject ko padha hi nahi ab wo bhi us subject se phd Karega 😂😂. Isse to theke wali phd trend me aa jayega😂
@shikhakumari34724 дня назад +1
Mam without net asst professor (Raj) ka exam de skte h kya ?
Mam please reply@shikhavishwakarma45944 дня назад
@namratasingh67604 дня назад +1
@Tukilamam 9 are of contribution ko gain krne ke liye video banai 🙏
@bipinkumarkushwaha37014 дня назад +3
Exam ho not api score,Bihar me bhi exam honi chahiye
@himashreegoswami5854 дня назад
Ma'am NET is mandatory or not.
UGC New Rules For Assistant Professor | Assistant Prof. Recruitment Process |UGC NET Update |Tulika (2025)
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Article information
Author: Rob Wisoky
Last Updated:
Views: 5981
Rating: 4.8 / 5 (48 voted)
Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful
Author information
Name: Rob Wisoky
Birthday: 1994-09-30
Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452
Phone: +97313824072371
Job: Education Orchestrator
Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building
Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.