The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2025)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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WWW oft CUVIUND KAIM MAWUO lAItMAT JULY 1W7 702 105 St 1 CT 1 3377 cm Parma 65 Gardens Commodore APARTMENT HOTEL 11325 Euclid at ord Dr 2 bedroom ivies $105' $115 per month "1MM Call Mr Murray Henderson Open Nopn 8 HOTEL SOVEREIGN Children Welcome rtav cither heated More A grocery store for tin an cay oner paelinh kr ioxaa 105th St at East Blvd 41 Wuitml Rent Houms BAILEY METER CO WHITI 44 RintiiriiiirtAat(W) ST Rant Oftiou Duk Ream th urious cross and through ex MM EUCLID 55 Rant Summur Cottapa Garden Type Apts ED 1 2251 Mrs Andrews The Glidden Co STUDENT ENGINEERS Shaker Club Apts MODERN APTS WO 8300 Ext 344 Mon 8 :3 0 to 5 Call Dunlap LU 1 1800 1 desires 3 rooms: 50 1 momn a i 4 rooms bath I LAKEWOOD: DETROIT AVR: I AN 3 pnQMS: PARKING AC 6 322E 71 Want actary Warahauaa (Miwi ia Ne CHumI tCaatlaoH la Neil Colimn) al 108: 4 rooms and bath: adults colored Call after 10 a YE 2 04 2 6 TU 6 0123 CH 1 1576 kitchen rooms decora of 3 hme only 3 ADULTS need single with basement garage by Aug 15 to 860: will dec orate 12755 57 PARMA no and down: 890 Gianz broker 10615 Euclid Saturday 10 7 SW 1 4430 Oldest In rentals PARMA Heights: Pearl at Oakwood rear Southland Shopping Center 8120 CE 87068 a CLEMENT Are 6709 4 rooms bath up: 3 men or couple $35 week CARNEGIE lOOthi 250 1009 SQ HEAT PARKING AIR CONDITIONING AVAIL ABLE SW 1 2635 1 BEDROOM SUITE $105 2 BEDROOM SUITE $125 22250 EUCLID 22280 EUCLID 22350 EUCLID 22600 EUCLID 6: ft rooms bath 865 month VT 11063 Children welcome 3 ROOMS bath upcouple? child TU 4 4638 130 3 rooms up newly decorated All utilitlet Included Colored IBB LO 1 4343 14 5 rooms rs heal older child 880 OR 1 4054 DOCTORS DENTISTS ETC: Office space Pasy 183 PARKING KE 16523 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY CHOICE DECORATION TRANSER Cleveland area Oct 1 Cou ple and infant want 3 bedroom house or apt to 8150 Near transportation Will take excellent care of lawn In city Sat and Sun Call RE 1 1911 ox Box 18366 Plain Dealer 590 SJ 49 Rant arit Houhi (E)Centimied rom Preceding Column) LAKEWOOD Warren Rd: Brick low er 2 bathrooms garage all utilities: adults no pets: $135 a mo Available Aug 18 LA 1 2078 PROESSIONAL man: wife and infant desire 4 5 room single urnished or unfurnished Will do all repairs and maintenance for reasonable rent or will accept custodian position East or West for small suite and imall salary LO 1 7453 days WY 1 4936 after 7 97 1834: 2ty rooms: heat: stove Icelesa white adults SW 1 7173 99 727: 5 clean rooms bath up white Call TU 4 8055 DETROIT 3 roomz and bath furnished SH 9 3596 CLITON BLVD 11J43 URGE 3 AND BATH: $135 5 ROOMS AND BATH UP MU 15657 3 ROOMS UP ADULTS 17 SH 1 3640 BEDORD Heights: room garden apt tile bath VI 37761 ST CLAIR 2103: New offices: air conditioned: parking MA 1 9292 HOUGH 9803: 4 rooms ctilltlea furnished: apply Suite 4 IB 5 room suite bath 878 white tenants Sea custodian or 185 Nottlnrham 4 HP $70 THOMAS REALTY SW 1 1474 41 Rent ApaHments (Witt) (Centteued rew Preceding Cttemn) Three bedroom suites avail able In thee Picturesquegarden apts Pleasant sur roundings convenient to shopping centers and trans portation and a host of other advantages make tneae units moat desirable' EUCLID 4209: 23 and 3 rooms: all utilities: $75 and $83 HZ 15768 STORE: 40x50 white block building parking garage: not zoned for com mercial: $65 mo 1514 9 Granger Rd MO 3 5825 75 1964 AT EUCLID 22 ROOMS $50 CLITON Baltic: Attractive 5 rooms bath garage Adults $100 AC 1 2632 DGKWATER area: 21j room apt up eta in front Couple OL 1 5915 47 Housut hr Bint (West) (Centlnsed rom Preredlag Column) HOUGH Ave 5512: 5 rooms up 875 mo Inquire Suite 6 ENGINEER wife desire 4 5 rooms WcM after Aug 15 LA 11512 METROPOLITAN MANAGEMENT GA 1 1800 RANKLIN Blvd 4304: 3 lirje rooms and sun porch downstairs 75: 6 ROOMS 1ATH COLORED KE 3 1407 123 Lake Shore St Clair area: 2 rooms: min only UL 16382 2300 PAYNE AVE 1600 to 3300 sq ft available for offices or light mfg: freight elevator Mf Milter TO 1 5920 ULTON Pkwy 424 8 2 bedrooms stove refrigerator WO 17315 ATTRACTIVE NEWLY URNISHED APTS OR 2 GIRLS OR 2 MEN AT REASONABLE RATES REE PARKING AND EXPRESS BUS TO ALL POINTS GA 1 2520 105 WADB Park: Colored 3 rooms heat kitchen furnished em ployed eoupte WA 15969 GOVERNOR 10621 4 room effi ciency Heat adults eve DETROIT 8701: Newly decorated efficiency: private entrance parking AT 1 5004 EPISCOPAL family children desire 3 or 4 bedroom or large duplex Lakewood LA 1 8819 officer: new here perately needs 7 to 8 room house for family near schools and transportation Citv or commuting districts Box 12267 Plain Dealer DUPONT sales executive needs large 3 bedroom hou Mayfield Lyndhurst Gates Mills area Available by Sept $200 Consider option to buy YE 2 9076 4i apt 4 down child 5 down COUPLE 4 children want 6 rooms dovn or single SU 13248 LARGE house suitable lor rest home vest GL 14358 ADDISON RD 1481: 3 roora apt children welcome: white PARMA Ridge Rd: 2 bedrooms ap pliances garage 8 1 25 TU 4 9391 RIDGE Ri 6187: Newly decorated1 5 rooms: garage: large yard 8125 month TU 52680 off Euclid: Modem ROCKY River rooms separate bus aMtit garage 125 Cl 13404 (Centime ia Heit Ceianm) Tops in apartment living 1 9 1 0 1 1920 1 Van Aken Blvd WY 14041 SW 11441 MIDDLE Aged couple quiet clean 4 5 room upper or small tingle 2644 25th newly decorated: 4 roomi bath for quiet working couple 875 Before 7 1775 25th at ranklin: newly built and decorated deluxe 3 room suites: 865 to 85 per month white: after 12 106 of St Clair: 4 lovely rooms heat porch: refined colored couple $85 LO 17779 YE 20359 2 near Wade Park: rooms steam heat brick garage colored RA 1 1538 75 1M1: 2 room suite pint Wh t0 Colored HI 1 0245 CARNEGIE 1 00th: 500 TO 3600 SQT OR OICES DISPLAY WAREHOUSE HEAT PARKING SW 1 2 63 5 8 7 CHESTER: rooms nd bsth fireplace porch large closets steam heat white adults CE 12145 SHAKER Square: 1 bedroom apt: air conditioned: carpeting must be bought SK 16519 RESPONSIBLE couple 3 children ur gently need 5 or more room house Will decorate or mke repairs East suburban Best of references TO 875 RA 11782 YORK APTS LAMONT AT 101 Lovely 6 room suite comer 2 bathsdulls preferred whJte $105 Apply Mrs Lilley 1810 1C1 KTNSMAN RD 16106: rooms tah White Up WA 17042 A required $2200 interest bearing investment is trans ferable when vacating 4 ROOMS and bath: adults only ga age SK 1 6544 ENGINEER wife baby desire 2 bed rnnms down or suburbs Sept 1 will care foe yard ete Ask for Mr Waymire LI 901 0 4 ROOMS 1st floor apt or double house: 1 child 10 yrs dog Up to 375 PO 19188 after 6 101 1838 Near Chester rooms clean modern bldg Adults white 86950 CE 12778 168 1285: 3 rooms down: work Ing couple only No pets IV 1 5577 EDDY Rd 747: 4 rooms1 beautifully furnished tile bath: white: refeiences100 mo CH 1 8296 days YE 2 7522 eves METROPOLITAN MANAGEMENT Electric Controller Six Square Need apart meQts for both single men and couples Shak er Cleveland Heights or Warrensville Center area 89 1780 6 room suite steam hast garage white adults Inquire EAST CLEVELAND Comfortable 3 bedroom single: gas heat near schools reference deposit lease white 8135 VL 1 4894 MU 1 6488 after 7 pm 48 1426: Suite of rooms WO 16585 AIRVIEW PARK A INE PLACE TO LIVE 22445 LORAIN RD NEW EDDY RD 845 3 ROOMS $6610 Steam heat stove refrigerator 149: 3 suites WY 1 7963 8 to1 1 DI 1 762 2 9 a 154 3486: Corner Kinsman aCz 134 near Ashby Van Aken rapid stop Attractive 4 rooms bath: heat hot water A tenancy white TO 1 2270: or custodian iooilonal: close to bus and rapid $1351 pARM up yas est: garage 1YE2J8O2? 1 middle aged $63 370 TU 4 236fl rimes 'J WORKING gill 22: wishes lo share modern 4 room furnished Apt with same Broadview Rd location 9 38 8 7 a ter 6 BACHELOR will share his 2 bedroom apt near Shaker Square with same $60 each SK 1 1057 6 8 references i 45: 9 rooms over bar for big fam ily XN 19062 LOVELY West Side: 3 rooms private bath: reasonable ED 13969 2 ROOMS with bath utilities end pri a te en rance 2267 3 Our 45 Wantsd urnished Ati ROCKY River 2720 Wooster Rd 1 bedroom aUlte 115: 2 bedroom suite135 Alt appliances garages: 1 child AC 4 7434 ree Rental Service West RENTS NEEDED ALL TYPES OHIO LAND REALTY 8615 Denison OL 12900 i PROESSIONAL woman with dor ou LXH on zri EDDY Rd treat 4 romj on 3d gas white: 875 LI 157B4 after Sun any time TEACHER wife and 4 children 13 school agei need 7 room house West 1 4 a Tn 100 AT 1 07 9 0 1 UNITED OICE BLDG CORNER LORAIN ST Excellent office units of 350 to 909 sq ft Convenient to parking and rapid transit JOSEPH WURSTNER CO Call Mr Brown CH I 6PM Completely new Apts or 4 Beautiful modem tlnn nd furnititr Garage and parking facil ities adjacent Express bus at the door Now ia tn excellent time to select an apartment for occupancy on low leas rates starting this falL 5 000 to 0000 sq ft ground floor atdq preferred Must have good loading and unloading faculties MB 1 0440 CLITON 3: 120 Giant broker 10615 Euclid Saturday 10 7 SW 1 4430 Oldest in rentals MENTOR HEADLANDS urnished: 2 and 3 bedrooms living room kitchen electric range and re frigerator continuous hot water hot snower indoor toilet fireplace screened and glassed in sun porch: private sandy oeacn Reduced rates Aug Sept BL 7 5590 MI 18089 135 ST: t'z double $72 Giant Broker 10613 Euclid Sat 107 SW 14430 Oldest in rental LAKEWOOD: 5 rooms lower nice location: near bus garage SI 15 AC 6 4545 after 6 93 1874: 3 room furnished or vnfumlshtd colored children ac cvpted 8W 57577 CHEMIST teacher wife desire 4 or 5 room apt cr In pleasant sur roundings Broadview Heizhts lnde pendence a TU 60299 YOUNG couple: 3 4 rooms Parma Brooklyn tn $ao utilities or $65 7 1830: 2 room suite: exetl ent condition: stove refrigerator: clean modem bldg elevator: white adults: available Aug 1st 65 8 771 of St' Clair at Blvd? Modem brick bldg: 24 and 3room aultes: low rent: white MU 14218 NEAT and clean 3 rooms and bath down private entrance: utilities witite only $2tf per week LA 426 3 1 3 ROOMS private entrance: man only or working couple no children WY 1 0880 4 ROOMS BATH OR 3 BATHX LORS GA JT659 2 4 ROOMS COLORED ct GA 1 1406 KINSMAN 114th St: 3 room apts Large clean rooms steam heat hot water 95 per white Call WA 1B821 JOHN CARROLL Instructor desires 2 bedroom unfurnished apt In Cleveland area about Sept 15tb Box 29364 Plain Dealer 2 3 ROOM apt for 1: garage Eu clid Chardon Euclid Noble or Lake Shore Neff Rd area to 85 MU 1 5080 55 2164: Kitchenette apt for colored working adults 10 to 15 per week UT 1 5371 3 ROOMS PRITATI BATH: ICT LEU REASONABLE CHILDREN LORAIN 98: 5 room bath un gas heat references ME 1 6415 NORTH olrnHed 24431 ner Rd Executive and wife re cently tranaferred from Philadelphia desire 1 er 2 bedroom unfurnished apt West Side Lakewood or Rocky River preferred Up to PEARL: double SfO Glanz broker 10615 Euclid Saturday 10 7 SW 14430 Oldest In rentals 93 1890 of Chester: Modem brick elevator colored CE 10798 1871 97 Near Chester rooms and bath completely redec orated steam heat hot water stove refrigerator: north and south exposure adults preferred Inquire janitor Carrier Realty Landlord no charge Tenants references walling Carrier Realtv 18525 Detroit Ave LA 1 6261 Near Downtown Cleveland Ideal for Employed Coupla 1 and 2Bedroom Suites Electric Kitchen All Utilities TO 16795 DEtROlT 112 3 rooms and bath 1st floor front: attractive steam healed apt building cooking gu included: couple preferred75 month LA 1 1130 WILL PAY UP TO 175 4 bedroom prefer West: executive: wife and family now permanent resi dent will consider option to buy MA 1 4960 LUXURY AT LOW COST A Selective New 97 EUCLIU I nice rooms baths: steam heat: garage quiet bandy $100: adults white: Aug lRA 1 4063 97 1911 comer Chester: 4 spa cious front rooms newly decorated Steam heated apt bldg Laundry facil Viet $85 White YE 2 6860 81 1804: room efficiency private bath: couple 1 child parking: bus line white $20 week 81 1838 oft Chester: 4 rooms and bath: children OK See custodian rooms well 9210 BUCKEYE Attractive store for wholesale retail offices or warehouse 6eJrible for Job bers or stock room $150 tno Wiesenberger WY 1 3323 evu 360 to 1000 Sq Doctors Dentists or Agends Elevator cleaning service MR PERRY ME 12585 MARION BUILDING 1276 3d St Attractive office units convenient parinnr MA 1 0272 ON PUBLIC SQUARE Excellent apace suitable for Insurance office or similar business spacious re cep ion room: pleasant environment Write Box 3169 Plain Dealer MAiwr al 1 1 niK representative flee available with ieeretary service Public stenographer apace available Recrptloi room and parking 4078 Mayfield Rd South Euclid gVlO83B' OICE DESK SPACE 120 sq ft on 1st: 500' of May field at 1511 Warrensville Center Rd $100 YE 2 281 7 for a pol nt SCHOIELD BLDG' 9TH AND EUCLID Small medium and large offices See Mr Schofield Rprm 14 0B 42 Want ta Rant Apartmants Kentinuea Preceding Cevian) ree Rental Ssrvice West RENTS NEEDED ALL TYPES OHIO LAND REALTY 8815 DENISON OL 1 2900 SCHOOL teacher employed wife de sire 4 5 room apt or duplex un furnished or furnished Parma Garfield Heights area TR 1 5259 RESPONSIBLE working mother desires unfurnished rooms with child care for 2 daughters 7 arl 1 WesL AC 1 9152 af i 3 CLEAN young couple with 4 mo old babv desire 4 5 rooms tn East Clevy land or Garfield Heights to 880 EV 2 4847 41 RanturniahaS Ayta (E) 84 ST CLAIR arte: Nice 4 rooms and bath: 2 oilldrtn welcome' white 865 monthly Mrs Cole EX 12049 EDGEWATER Drive 31855: Deluxe 2 bedrooms baths See custodian AIRVIEW Part LorainRT Modem bldg: 2 bedrooms stave re frigerator: garage: 8125 mo BE 4 7650 RANKLIN BLVD 4710: 3 rooms bath heat hot water and 1 ghts in cluded: yearly lease tor right people 72 net month or $20 per week furnished WANT 4000 to 5 000 90 ft narking Maple Height or Bedmrwarea Principals only XX 17000 Community of apartments adjoining and overlooking the park on P8 Creek Park way in Parma Heights Greater Cleveland's foremost modern residential area Lux CONVZN1ENT to Mijl'tld H'rhtr librarian and mother desire apt or upper SW 5 1809 Thursday 10 12 riday Saturday after 6:30 LANDLORDS PLEASE CALL CL 1 6300 We need Rents $50 to $300 and Rentals Our Specialty OTEN NEVER Equaled Not Associated with any other Agency All places shown bv appt SHAHAN RENTALS 3191 117th St CL 1 6300 Same location 12 yrs LAKEWOOD 15517 Detroit: Ground floor ED 18758 eve and weekends CHESTER Air conditioned cf flees: parkin EN 1 4 7 49 63 2567: large 5 room apt oath 100 TO 1 6529 64 near St Clair 4 rooms and bath down adults only: white $30 IV 1 8898 VERMILLION ON THE LAKE Modern 3 bedroom studio type cotuge WO 75331 GENEVA on the Lake: Cottages Bleeps 4 10 Ca 11 SH 1 2 2 85 MADIRON ON LAKE: Private beach $55 $70 GL 1 6872 EV 20109 4 ROOMS porch: by 'week or month: Chlopewa Lake 2651 New Amsterdam Hotel EUCLID AVE AT 22D ST ROOMS SUITES AND APTs SPE C1AL WEEKLY AND MONTHLY rase: CBe RATES REDECORATED: COMPLETE YE 2 7606 nuirL 1 PARKING LARGE 5 room 2 bedrooms 1 baths completely furnished on Eu clid 1 block from But Cleveland rapid 150: immediate occupancy: adults no pets will lease for 1 vr references Box 15566 Plain Dealer 5 ROOMS Ave oear I 55 St white EV 23850 1 82 1822: 3A lovely rooms well furnished In modem bldg Children white SW 51514 1717 85 COLORED Beautiful 3 rooms partlv furnished stove iceless 1st floor Children ac cep ted See custodian ONE BEDROOM Living room dining alcove electric kitchen and bath am pie closets exceptionally pleasant surroundings where gracious living is the theme Rent $160 includes utilities and apace in always attended PARKWOOD DR Large store 1 story building $60 East 93 Hough $5 meat market fixtures available SW 1 7487 A1 0611 KAitMs 2 fi rooms in adur stove refrigerator heat hot water: near transportation: 76 CL 1 6879 LAKE Ave 9822 1 bedroom stove refrigerator elevator garage $115 See custodian AT 1 0 972 ROCKY RIVER Newlv decorated 5 room suite: stove refrigerator utilities except lights: ga rage and custodian mice Adults 1 U54 to 1 8 ROCKY River: 2 bedrooms newlv decorated throughout Bus stop at building or appointment call RX 4 1092 RVICX CONVENIENT clTvzlXnD Hdbt: room' "lr yd' suite plus brtroom Id floor SP Ml 45 Business Plscss fir Rsitf (ConilijBtd rom reesdiar Gelomji) DENTIST OICE Exceptional opportunity offered tp right party: 5 room dentist office Same lorition past 40 years Can be rented lor $125 a month including present equipment Good West Side location Call Mr Behrens AC 67344 LORAIN 3214 STORE WITH ULL BASEMENT $75 LEASE SK 18000 WEEK DAYS PARKWOOD DRIVE 917: Steam RIVERJOGE Rd 4011: duplet 5 rooms bath gas heal carpeting adults CL 1Q74 Haddam Hotel 1 2 3 Room Kitchenette Apts BEST VALUES IN CITY $95 AND UP MONTH UTILITIES MAID SERVICE LINENS INCLUDED SLEEPING ROOMS 1 AVAILABLE DAY WEEK or MONTH CALL GEO PEARCE MANAGER 10510 Euclid CE 15600 HALTNORTH Court 5708: Kitchen ette apt for colored working adults 10 to 12 per week HE 1 8951 HEIGHTS: 3 nicely furnished rooms: garage utilities: for 2 employed girls or gentlemen: $70 EV 12393 Gracious Living Address PARKLAND REE TO LANDLORDS Reliable Rental Service Why gamble with your property? AAA 1 bondable tenants waiting Thomas Realty SW 1 411 PARMA HEIGHTS Lawndale Ave: 3 bedroont unch large: houses from tran putatlon: full basement: 2 year lease: security deposit: 100x300 lot Many extres $150 TU 4 6500 ADULTS modern newly furnished decorated apt: living bedroom kitchen and bath: private entrance and porch 11 utilities Euclid vicinity IV 6094 1 APTS private baths Hotel Service BA8TOGNE HOTEL 3907 PROSPECT AVE HE 1 6 8 1 5 nttrvrvr 1 tin Parizhin rtn down: carpeting drapes garaee $85 day 10 7 Oldest in rentals fnn eian 1 I WHO CEDAR 5 rooms up: ga B5 neat icuns onty WHITMAN 4216: 2 room efficiency child welcome WQ 1 4864 "RENT and utilities new 3d floor suite nicely furnished: share bath kitchen and laundry privileges Exchange for oi scn'MJi tgnj KINSMAN LEE Private office consisting of 9 private offices private lavatory facilities sec retary's office sod reception room: adequate parking: public transporta tion available immediately Shown by appofnntment LO 1 4005 or LO 1 2244 eves YOU MUST SEE IT TO BELIEVE IT Beautiful remodeled bldg with office snace for as low as $20 monthly Air conditioned excellent location free parking personalized telephone answer Ing service and secretarial services available Ideal for traveling men who need headquarters: sale representa tives etc Will rent furnished or un furnished or further Information call PR 13566 5 1136: rooms nicely deco rated: to quiet Hdr: new stove and refrtrmtor: reasonable white adults SW 5 3T12 86 ISIS: 3 and 5 rooms and bath steam heat whits 55 and 75 RA 1 9026 DOUBLE OR SINGLE STORE OR REN 15x40 A ULL BASEMENT HAYCEN NEAR SHAW AVE CALLPR 1 0424 STORE OR RENT" ON ST CLAIR NEAR PARKWOOD IDEAL OR LOAN OICE KOBLITZ INC CH 1 2788 Eastlake shopping center More 22x80 WH 2 8888 WH 24440 eve WH 2 7646 5321 BROADWAY Store: 1224 sq ft ull basement gas furnace also 6 room suite op tional MA 1 1600 Ext 482 Mon COLORED: 2 3 4 5 6 7 room apts Sidney Garfield Realty RA 1 72 1 1 5 NICE rooms: heat: 1 or 2 children accepted: white CE 1 5350 PEARL RD 7388 Middleburg Hights Briarcliff 5 room duplex Separate entrances basement garage12750 Lease WA 1 2240 764 185 Store suitable for office Schenely Ave IV 1 5290 LEE Rd 2275: Store 18x105 base ment: parking good for variety auto motive home repair drugs etc See it then cell CL 1 4938 2500 SQ Air conditioned acoustic ceiling fluo teacfnt lighting vault HIPPODkOME BLDG 720 EUCLID AVE CH 17421 3436 LORAIN AT ULTON Desirable office space in modem bldg light airy rooms ELEVATOR 1A UmiS 155400 and 729 aq ft MA 1 1600 Ext 480 Mon T50WNT0WN LAKEWOOD' SOUTH Euclid: duplex: 5 rooms: recreation room rear porch newly decorated: references: lease 8160 EV 1 1589 for appointment UNION: double $70 Glani Broker 10615 Euclid Sat 10 7 SW 14430 Oldest in rentals WARRENSVILLE Center Rd beauti ful new 7 rocm upper tulle 2 baths: built in features Available now $225 YE 25720 WA 1 9560 WARRENSVILLE area: 5 modern rooms and sunroom up: adults good references 8155 YE 2 4038 before 12 noon or after 7:30 4800 sq ft basement area Mr Greene MA 14308 CORNELL RD off Euclid 2 rooms bath on 1st Couple KE 1 0844 CRAWORD 1847: 2 ipaclous room: quiet nicely furnished: adults: white EAST CLEVELAND: 3 very nice clean looms near Rapid Transit Adults vhltg 13611 ourth Ave PAST CLEVELAND: 3 rooms share bath Working couple SW 15248 1 50 per month Call MR COTTEE at LEE Rd 2275: Store 18x105 base ment parking will make good officq space for professional manufacturer lavingB and loan etc CL 14938 1 3th and Superior Convenient downtown location: reason able rent RBorzak SU l222j 10308 EUCLIDTAVE 4 room office suite 'Ideal for physician team heat ma 11600 Ext 480 AIR CONDITIONED office apace 1500 aq ft comer 21R Loraln gD 1 5877 PARMA on 'Rd office specs available or will rent desk space Call TU 4 8282 olVI 2 1025 posure Immediate Now available for Applications rooms 95 to $100 mo 4 Jj rooms I 1 0 to 7C off Cheater: rooms bath 2d floor rood condition: white Park ing available $65 Includes steari heat and at! utilities EN 1 2587 Located at 5441 Stumpf Rd 117 1680: at Euclid rooms children ok Inquire Apt 10'3 117 1568: suitable for 3 4 men white GA 16922 125 Woodside off St Clair: 2 rooms on 3d Kitchen bedroom PO 19285 Is transferring several married engi neers with varying slied families to Wickliffe These responsible men de sire rentals in surrounding eastern suburbs by August 1st Please con tact the Personnel Dept between 8 a and 5 GL 14600 78 1640: 2V4 room bath 50 3i rooms bath 880 stove iceless: tn a dor heat hot water white KE121270 81 18'65 of Chester: Modern brick bldg 2 room suite colored RA 15128 1548 2: 3ljroom suite 1 bed room well maintained building $70 per month includes heat hot water Adults Security deposit required Cail custodian GA 1 7 994 43 3314: 5 large rooms down: modem kitchen: gas furnace garage all newly decorated $80 SH 9 1618 83: 6 modem rooms down like new garage adults $95 OL 1 1243 86 3171: 5 rooms vp gas ga rage adults no pets 8 0 94 oft Denison: 4 rooms and bath town newly decorated front and back entrances gas furnace under fired tank' large yard will accept child $8250 mo AT 19A44 105 2092: 5 rooms up take 2 children Inqulrejafter6 120: 5 NICE ROOMS UP 2 ADULTS NO PETSCL 1 0603 176 Loraln: 5 duplex $100 THOMAS REALTY SW 1 1474 SHAHAN RENTALS LANDLORDS CALL CL 1 6300 EXECUTIVE Rentals Our Many uppers lowers s5O to $125 SCRANTON: 5 room duplex480' MEMPHIS: 4 room single $95 BROOKSIDE: 6 room duplex5125 BROOKLYN duplex SH5 WESTLAKE: New single $140 Other SINCLES DVPLEXES to $250 We by 8d 3060: 2 room apts $85: furnished it detired Modem elevator bldg: stove Icetesa heat gu white adultt BW 5 3693 14 1381: Brick apt room atom Mat White IK 1 3046 EAST 6 rooms bath white children purchaie miacellaneoui furniture 8 a 12 ton HE 1 3068 MODERN 5 rwn apt 719 125 Adults White PO 15563 New apartments now taking applications for immediate occupancy 1 bedroom suites $95 $105 per month 8ult 4 I at 1T: attraeth' ron pl 1st floor white 7 i40: Large 3 baths: heaU hot water farae: white adults 8B TBS' 4H rooms bath $70 heat hot water stove leeless: white GL 17841 YE 26369 90 1806 of Hough: Modem brick apartment efficiency and 3room' suite: handy location colored GA 15801 West Blvd Lorain: 4 room on 3d adults: $50 2 Want ft Rent Apirfmtnft Call TU 4 8960 Mr Stair ULTON RD 1780 3 rooms private entrance and bath HIGHLAND Rd: 3 rooms private bath: couple only CL 1 0208 1904 87: 3 rooms and bath Adults Parking 88 3 and 4 room apt Beautifully furnished Custodian serv Ice Apply at custodian suite 88 2052: 3 4 warm clean rooms kitchen and iceteas white no children 89: 3 and 4 rooms baths chil dren accepted white SW 51600 1867 90: 2 and 3 room aultes: utilities $18 and 22 50 weekly parking: 1 child white OL 166b 90 1933 off Euclid: 3U modern rooms on 1st floor nicely furnished white adults inquire custodian LICENSED nursing hom for women registered nurse IV 164 71 NURSE RN: Will care for 2 men or women in herhome ATl 0623 WILL cart for elderly lady private home home privilege ON 17374 LAKEWOOD: Licensed rest home for woman ambulatory AC 18885 Belden Hotel 1903 70 Euclid or Hough bus kitchenette suite with bath: utilities elevator phone maid sendee: 1650 up UT 1 0900 CARN5GTE 671214: 2 room effi ciency: utilities bath white $16 YE 2 9832 CARNEGIE "8701: 2 4 room: fftrety furnished: adult white $60 to $85 CARNEGIE: 3 beautiful clean rooms adults: white 8706 Carnegie CLEVELAND Heights: 3 rooms: TV? Immediateposselon A 1835 3 CLEVELAND HEIGHTS: 12 4 OR 5 ROOM APTS YE 2 9077 CO IT Rd 5 rooms (team 3 adults only GL n4001 COLONNADE APTS north of Chester 2851 85: Efficiency IH room suite living room htde a way Kitchenette bath Newly decorated Modern bldg well kept up quiet Storm windows Near Euclid but shops High grade tenancy Parting One person White No pets $75 to $85 CH 12077 113 Unlon 5 rooms and bath 'gas furnace garage white $75 per mo LU 1 3756 EXECUTIVE wants 3 bedroom mod em house with ample apace tor 3 children: in or near Brookpark area Contact CL 23000 or CL 22600 TAPCO executlve famiiv desire 3 bed room single within 10 mlle radius of Euclid Tapco Near Lutheran church and public grade school RE 1 3020 3 rooms utilities pri vate children white EN 1 1057 76 Wade Park: 5 rooms: ail uill ities 827 wk white YE 34299 77 162d: 2 34ROOM APTS WHITE HE 32725 77: 4 and 5 rooms children ac cepted: w'hlte EX 10005 41 Rant urnished Apts (E) (Centiaa ad rom recedlag CManui) WADE PARK 7003: 5 ROOMS BATH CHILDREN ACCIPT3D WHITE INQUIRE SUITt 1 WARNER RD 4370: 3 room modem kPchen bus line couple only CASE AREA 10912 Carntgie: 2 4 5 room apts just remodeled: all new furniture A BETTER BLDG arkin White adults Inquire custodian WHITTIER Ave: 2 roox apt on 1st Adults RA 10047 WOODHILL 2656: 3 rooms: all utili ties: near St Luke bus and rapid $1750: aduMs: white YE 23296 Manorford Village 10196 MANORORD DR Country Hvinj in 2 bed room ranch tvpe home: ap services range re frigerator calcinator dryer and ga rage Available Aug 1 TU 4 4747 Bates Springer Inc MA AG3IS 90 of Hough: 4 room suite modem brick bldg colored CZ 1 5095 fc room: Lynn field Apt: steam heat hot water ele vator: 75: white adults Mrs Gorell manager CE 16941 93 1950 AT EUCLID: Modem apt front elevator rooms stove refrigerator: tile bath tub and shower steam: adults white RA 10430 EUCLID 8311: rooms newly dec orated $65 mo indudes utilities white: 1 child Inquire EX 10760 EUCLID 15000: 31 rooms available Inquire Suite 38 13900 EUCLID AVE 4 rooms See custodian suite 65 1383: 5 room bath heat adults $75 AT 11284 100 1975: 4 room apt working couple ME 1 0677 EUCLID WICKLIE Writer wife 3 children need 2 3 bedroom single or lower by Sept to $110 OL 16119 COUPLE: 4 smalt children need 2 or 3 bedroom single or down of double Must have yard for children Willing to paint or Improve property Up to 890 WO 14367 GARIELD 1 3900 Charles Reinholt Gen Mgr CLEVELAND HEIGHTS 2865 Derby 1 pjfv IMiocr half' 2 bed unroom ncar rooms lovely condition: garage lovely ous garage $110 wooded 400 ft lot: security deposit 120 per prospect Ave: 4OO to son ft ex cellent parking near downtown ER 15149 P218 K1NSMAK comer 93d: flee units 200 to 550 0 ft Modern bldg Parking ME DESK space with telephone answering service dignified and dMlroblc $30 and up month PR 1 2020 rofesstonat Offices new Bvrro barking alr conditloned: ground floor 550 aq fl TU 4 0393 Bl WiRtt irniihml Hum RESPONSIBLE families need 36 West Present future Vann's Agency CL 0 356 52 Shari Aprtminti Hiuaii WORKING mother smell son will rhae their apt with same or elderly lady White Rent free in exchange for silting 9 to 3 143? Lake viewRd YOUNG gtrh will share their ant with young employed elrl East na ah convriienvra 7829 EUCLID AVE OICE SPACE IN MODERN BLDG ELEVATOR STEAM HEAT ESTATES RENTAL HA IMI HIPPODROME BLDG urnished offices and desk space wiTh complete crotarlal services availably 720 Eucli Ave CH 1 742T WEST 35TH 4257 and Pearl corner 300 by 700 sq ft desirable for Insurance business or any profes sional business 4 phone office CL 1 5094 DOCTORS AGENTS offtoea: 4 roomT own 14 bath lavatory 2d floor: will divide: reasonable: new building air conditioned parkins 5725 State Rd Parma TU 4 3906 EUCLID LOGAN HOTEL 9507 EUCLID AVE Single and double rooms: semi and private baths Also Pullman kitchen if deilred Near 105 Euclid show ping center Phone linen maid ele vator service Reasonable monthly rate ree parking rear EUCLID Ave of Noble: 3 rooms In excellent condition: heat hot water refrigerator stove no children KE 1 3755 EUCLID Ave 5716: 3 rooms semimonthly: white See custodian Su te 211 EX 1 2 9 8 TR A I man and family "cianz' Broker SW 1 4432 CE 1 15 ST 46 Horus for Went (tt) 73 1895 of Chester: 2 and 3 room suites newly decorated colored EN 1 8316 75 HOUGK: Unfurnished 3 room apt tor couple on 3d share bath vtth same: colored MU 15477 75 1944: 4 rooms stove retrig erator heat 3rd floor front white LAKEWOOD Clifton Ezprtu air conditioned 3 and bath newly dec orated stove and refrigerator $8250 LA 1 2416 LAKEWOOD: roc ma uo: automatic gas furnace stove refrigerator adults only? $90 CL 1 0608 49 RtRt urn Houses (E) 'Tooms edult 3100 LU 13350 41 Rest ApsrtRn (fast) (Caartlnued Pram Proeedtog Page) Sth 135: 3 rooms bath: decor ated all utilities: white 50 Apply Apt 820 TO 1 3362 40 2029 at Xuelid 40th Apts: Attractive 4 rooms new kitchen: white adults 85 EN 1 0761 43 1735: 4 rooms bath up White: 60 YE 2 5543 LAKEWOOD: Upper i large living room kitchen dinette: adults only no 880 LA 2156 LAKEWOOD: 6 room duplex 3 bed rooms Up $150 AC 6 3464 LAKEWOOD: 5 rooms sunroc down $125 Aiultf only AC 63771 LAKEWOOD Detroit Avet 7 room duplex adults TR 1 8249 LAKEWOOD: 5 up good con dltion $90 TR 1254 9 LORAIN 125 St: up and down: 85 broker luoio cucnu oaiur 93rd UNION 4 rooms up garage70: whir adults VU 3 8017 BR after 6:30 to 118 Wade Park: 5U rooms low er nearly decorated inferior white KINSMAN 9314 3 2 room sulfet bath stove Iceies: A All utilities60 7 0 Custodian KINSMAN Rd611i: Kitchenette apt for colored working adults $15 per wek HE 21342 MT PLEASANT area: 2 or'Sroom apt private bath SW 1 054 2 MT PLEASANT area 3 room: gas heat: air conditioning SK 21734 ELK Ave: 3 rooms and bath steam heat hot water stove refrigerator white: $60 mo MU 12411 ELLINGTON apts 1712 9: Room and full bath: no cooking men only55 Apply office EUCLID Ave 5716: 3 rooms stove ictless all utilities: $65 and 570 month: white Custodian Suite 211 EX 16298 EUCLID 3711: Efficiency apt for busmtM couple refrigerator stove 10 mln to downtown: bus at door Apply custodian Apt 201 1 Rant Apirtnunli (West) CLITON3ivd: 5 rooms bath heat furnished $75 AC 64784 CLITON: 9 rooms garage basemenk yard adults LA 1 8562 OUR rooms: will maintain upkeep middle aged couple 340 per mo Box ZBSOSPjaln Dealer URGENT: 3 to 4 bedrooms In or west of alrvtew couple 4 children SP 71486 HAL double or single near West 130 of Lorain 1 child 11 years OR 12240 after 6 YOUNG couple desires 3 4 rooms by Au Euclid Eastlake area KE 18755 YOUNG engineer family desire single or duplex for occupancy after Aug 15 CL 15338 ADULT SON AND MOTHER DESIRE 4 5 POOM APT OR HOUSE PRJ2754 COUPLE 2 children 5 rooms' d'wn eartre WY 1 8328 WOODLAND 645: 1 2 room apto kitchens baths PR 1 2561 5 ROOMS for 2 couples: man will share 4 rooms with same colored LO 16138 COLLEGE area Adeibe 3 bedroom apt: white RA 12854 orest Hill Park 14015 Superior Rd 2 bed room suite 140: Modem ELE VATOR bldg: and heat in cluded: ULL BATH PLUS EXTRA LAVATORY kitchen electric laundry ample closets locker each suite or YE 2 3927 GARIELD Heights 5 rooms bath up VU 3 5219 HAMPSHIRE Rd Cleveland Height: 1 bedroom apt consisting of 4 beau tifu! rooms and bath: excellent con dition 1st floor front $85 Includes' steam hast refrigerator stove park ing available Call custodian YE 27740 HELENA Ave 10700: Desirable 1 bedrocm suite with tilt bath large living room kitchen end dinette: 75 rent includes garage heat stove and refrigerator white UL 1 3821 6527 HOUGH COLORED" Beautiful 3 room? Redecorated: hot waie laundry stove: children ac cepted: reasonable See custodian HOUGH 7309: Modem brick bldg 3 room suite: handy location: children welcome: colored HE 2021 1 HOUGH 7711 rooms: bath heat garage: 80 Colored: WY 1 6478 ADDISON Rd: 5 rooms $30 week child welcome: white EN 1 3111 ALAMO kitchenette a pit New 1 2 3 room tub and shower automatic laun dry 2 bus lines A clean: nothing better: no time wasted looking at this Adults Come lo 17700 Broadway Maple Heights between Lee and War rensville turn In short street at ride of furniture store weekly and monthly rates: $30 week uo BE CLEVELAND HEIGHTS 5 rooms up edults only ER 1 3838 CLEVELAND Heights: A rooms chil dren white ER 1 3820 STEWART 9005: 3 rooms tile bath SUPERIOR 5230: 4 rooms and bath: steam heat: $55: white Custodian or SU 15230 THE WADE CHATEAU 9501 Wade Part Beautifully situat'd building: 3 rooms 2d floor: $77 white adults RA 1 0990 UNION 93: 5 rooms and bath 85 month plus utilities: big yard chll dren white BR 15774 WADE PARK 9309: 5 rooms garage WTilte WA 14239 WESTERN Reserve area: 2: rooms in cluding utilities White adults $70 GA 14656 VVRU area: $75 Giant Broker 10615 Euclid Sat 10 7 SW 1 4430 Oldest In rentals Roundup Lake Park Modem cottages on private spring fed lake ideal for the whole famil Pri vate bath heat swimming fishing boating located east of Aurora on Rt 82 Phone MA 1 4255 SK 2 0866 or In A urora call LO 25211 GEORGIAN Bay cottages 20 rebate In September and October Ooenlnn tor week August 17th and August 24 Write for folder Desjardins Honey Harboui Ont Canada VERMILION ON THE LAKE beautiful rent modem home 4 bedrooms baths Bradley Realtv Co wr gned porch large grass play area irjrriive av qq CANADA: Housekeeping cottages 40 off May June Sept 1 4 bedrooms water toilets bath oil heat gas cooking beach Ml 1 2575 NEW MMern two bedroom cottage' MANU on isppan Laxe rnone Bowerston 63470 Henry 1 Selo 115 SUPERIOR 3 ROOMS COLORED ADULTS Redecorated incinerator fine apt building $72 LO 1 89 9 1 116 PI off Euclid 7 room suite refrigerator stove: near new GE plant nd office: gss heat lease Inquire Mrs ries Suite 7 CE 1 2766 from 9 6 117 467: 5 rooms $75: white adults VL 10630 after 7: 30 117 479: 6 rooms $70 White adults YE 26535 123 Superior 3 rooms 3d util Sties reasonable CL 11787 123 920: Suite of rooms reason able white PO 18871 afternoons 125 ARLLNGTON AREA: rooms 1 bedroom $70 per month Includes heat hot water stove and refrigera tor Adults Call custodian MV 11554 127 706 4 rooms up utilities' hlte: 90 WH 40431 140 5 roems down adults A 15885 90 1897: Nice clean 3 rooms pri vate bath white adults RA 12079 90 1851: 2 rooms all utilities white child $12 wk MU 11097 91 St Clair Basement suite 3 rooms and bath $18 weekly GL 1 8123 1651 E' 93 The popular urnished 2 and 36 room suites with all utilities supplied Elevator off street parking excellent furniture 2 chil dren allowed in larger suites Weekly rates colored CE 15125 93: 4 nice rooms on 2d white adults GA 14125 100 EUCLID 5 rooms $35 week child welcome: white EN 13111 UO St Clair: 2 rooms private bath entrance? take child A 15144 1260 114 St 3 room bath middle aged sober white: reasonable 117 near Euclid: 4 large ronm: porch: own entrances: children white Pearorabie YE 28970 AAft lAt lease: available Aug month TU 4 6500 Heights: upper half: 2 bed rooms: lovely condition garage lovely fYtDTT rnftm wh WOOGCd 4vU Tl JO! dCrUril U'PvVl' 1 month TU 4 pqoo up: large porch white reference $60 EN 13 118 EAST Cleveland: Single 7: $125 Glani Broker 10615 Euclid Sat 10 7 Oldest In rentals EAST Cleveland: 3d floor adults white PO 1 6528 EAST Pari Dr 18304: 5 room du plex upper $110 available Ajj lai XE 19107 9000 SQ available immediately excellent apace Call Mr romson MA 13111 LORAIN Olmsted: Corrief store about 25x25: kitchen basement Smith OR 1 7450 STORE for rent Available Ang Pearl Rd of 130: asphalt parking lot Call BE 41383 40x40 BUILDING: 2 lavatories ideal for any business 965 70 St UT 16037 1 LORAIN AVE 2850: Store 16X60? $100 CH 10865 78 1637: 4 modem rooms all utilities White Children' 81 ST 1719: 2 and 3 rooms nicely decorated brick building pri vate: near everything white NEED HELP? Come In 10 9 Immediate placements made daily sell NO Hsts Ail places shown appt nr THE BEST see SHAHAN RENTALS Acres? from Car Wash Drive In 107 4 rooms child $80 99 3 up adults 850 140 Madlson 4 rtoma 890 10 4 rooms child $40 40 3 rooms $50 62 rooms child 880 1 16 4 ruuciis $75 Rldge Pegrl 5 duplex $90 Lake 4 rooms a $70 Coming 3 lower $65 Marvin 4 lower $90 Buckley 5 lower children $73 PLACEMENT CHARGE 810 SATISACTION GUARANTEED VANN'S RENTAL AGENCY 3278 117 104 CL 2 0353 NO REGISTER EE west rain uo nronxiyn: Cleveland Lakewood Parkview: slngle furnished CARRIER REALTY 18525 DETROIT UPPER suite: 5 rooms 1 on 3d screened giassed ln porch: gas furnace: garage Detroit Clifton express bus 1 2 teen agers Rent $95 month Morrow Real LA 1 7877 2 BRAND new single hornet Westlake: 2 bedrooms $140 3 bedrooms 2 baths 8175 TR 11548 LAKE Ave 11709 5 rooms refrig erator stove heat $113 WA 15632 LAKEWOOD: 4 rooms and bath heat hot water stove refrigerator includ ed Inquire 15649 Madson ROCKY RIVER DR Nr 2 families ready for occupancy Aug 1 roomsulter $110 monthly The Alex odor Really Co 3308 Lorain Ave MX 10116 ROCKY RIVER 4082 of Lorajj: 2 bedrooms gas furnace furniture optionaL OL 11783 ROCKY RIVER 19846 Hilliard Blvd: New brick upper 5 large rooms: attic: basement aduiu SNOW Rd 6907: 5 rooms bath down garage: $115 TU 60833 AMILY Service Counselor wife 2 children desire 2 3bedroom upper lower or duplex East ER 13128 3 ADULTS: desire small 3 bedroom single in Lakewood Warren Clifton Detroit area LA 15993 AMILY wants home In country ast Side will redecorate and repair Box 10767 Plain Dealer RESPONSIBLE family of 4: wish 5 or 6 rooms suite or houe: East or Southeast White GA 15081 CONSIDERATE families desire 4 8 west Present uture To 100 A gency CL 20 3 5 6 ANSEL Rd: 6 rooms up Adults white EX 16529 ARLINGTON Eddy: 6 rooms bath up Near bus shopping center playground rwlmming pool white 85 mo 923 Thornhill Dr LI 14926 ENGINEER needs suburban Gianz Broker CE 11587 SW 14432 SOCIAL worker and family' Gianz? Broker CE 11587 SW 14432 PHONE executive and family Gianz Broker SW 1 4432 CE 1 1587 RUBBER salesman end sw 1 443 CX 11587 COLORED couple children need 67 rooms 90 reference GA 1 1846 YOUNG couple 1 child desire 5 rooms 85 mo White YTC 2 9876 MOTHER and 4 chiidron: desperately need house or Apt TU 40236 77 2063 6tr xudld: modern brick apt 2H I u4 4 rooms teeteM stove bath Refined colored tenants UY 4 8067 5 77 1688 off Hough modern rick apt: 4 room suites (2 bed rootns): colored XX 20223 77 9077: 5 rooms bath heat white: 55 WY 1 0478 rhlli Pr(r yrmv a Ei I Lvirivn 0iu a iwui uuptCA Jill elderly b'e ldy but will rnnM lshM tull btsemenl trte mother with 1 child AC 6 6320 GA 1 4611 DENISON 65 up 3 rooms bath: garage baby accepted $80 see 37 BE 44189 DETROIT RD 21460 Rocky River new brick duplex: 2 lane bedrooms: living room dining room kitchen: attached garages: nice porch full basement: 150 month ISABELL BLDR ED 10651 AIRHILL area 5Vj: 125: single" Gianz broker '10615 Euclid Satur day 107 Oldest In rentals AIRVIEW: 5 rooms up new brick: adults 135 references LA 19323 ULTON Partway 4126: 2 bedroom duplex adults or couple and one child: $115 1 2364 GLENHURST RD BAYRIDGE (WILLOWICK) Attractive 2 yearold ranch home large living room wall to wall car peting 3 bedrooms lovely yard tor family full basement: near Shme gate shopping center $173 Available Sept 1 WH 3 5808 HAGUE Ave 7011: rooms bath up prefer adults AT 11772 yrs Reasonable ER 1 0686 H323'bHOADWAY Me iSAlOO sqTT corner ones an or pan avanaoie rA xafti or STORE 800SQ TVERY 1 CLEAN MOST ANY BUSINESS 10318 KT CLAIR WA 1 5111 STORE BLDG 20x30 wRh parklni lot corner location on sou st Call AN 10675 after 6 DRIVE IN iou: St Clair at 186 comer Brilaire Matherson option! buy on easy terms WY 16393 AIR Conditloned office 16x16 ground floor free parking: 2422 Prospect 880 month MA 14875 STOREROOM 14748 Euclid 16x44 small basement $110 mo CH 1 6969 WY 1 821N 25 2077 near Lorain: Corner store 22x90: low rent ample park ing PR 1 8135 LORAIN AVE: retail store space 1906 sq ft next to Stale Liquor Sgore SU 1 6700 3 3J4 4 or 1 1 5 per mo Model suite by ROMWEBER furniture The Parma Heights Development Co 8300 Big Creek Pkwy 308 Marshall Bldg Your Home Away rom 2 nursing care $100 up University Circle SW 564 63 EaKEWOOD: EMerly person: private home cate If needed You'll like it LA 19410 GOOD home with private family el derly lady or seml fnvalld nice room good food good care KE 1 3494 VACANCY for ambulatory woman Martha Rest Home 4 73 0 0 EUCLID corner 70: 23 rooms Iceless $75 to $95 see custodian GARIELD HetchU: 3 rooms bath plus utilities: $15 reek: tin 3 un furnished rooms: available Aug 15 Box 33267 Plain Dealer "GLENVILLE area: 2 rooms bath adults GL 17689 GLENVILLE area 3 room apt: col ored GL 15829 6211 LEET corner store 16x24 reasonable YE 2 8904 25 3480: Store and basement: tai furnace: $100 CH 10865 LORAIN 194 store office ware house Overhead door A 16656 MADISON 7422 Comer double store 32x3 5 $80 AC 6 0503 LAKEWOOD 15517 Detroit: Ground floor ID 1 8758 eve and weekends 18TH 217) Newly furnished hotel: 1 2 room apts kitchen bath TO 18748 19 1751: Lovely 3 and 5 rooms private bath: children i7261900 cor Chester 1 3 room apt kitehen bath parting TO 1 6529 40 1788: Colored 4 rooma: pri vate bath: children welcome See Mra Timothy rear house The 46 Hms hr Rant (Eatl) (Cwrttaeed rom Preooding Colama) 139 SL Clair: 5 root) 4 up adulte white UL 11206 139: 3 rooms bath: adults white $65u ailtles LO 18562 150 area: double 885 kids Gianz Broker 10615 Euclid Sat 10 7 Oldest in rentals 154 3733: 3d floor: room bath $25 a week partly furnished wiLi your own ut lUties SK 2217 9 156 single 5 $100 Gianz broker 10615 Euclid Saturday 107 SW 1 4430 Oldest in rentals 190norlh of Harvard: new home: 2 bedrooms and expansion: $150 per month shown by appointment only Ml 1 6310 EASTLAKE: Attached garage and beach privileges 110 urnishings available RE 10224 EUCLID Ivanhoe: Slng'e: 4 bedrooms aouble garage 2 children white only: 8115 GL 1 0401 to 11 a 3 to 7 EUCLID! 80 St: Up and down $85 Giant Broker 1061o Euclid Sal 10 7 Oldest in rentals EUCLID UP and down: $135 Gianz Broker 10615 Euclid Sal 10 7 SW 14430 Oldest in rentals EUCLID NOBLE AREA: 5 large rooms up Carpeted Refrigerator stove IV 1 8398 EUCLID GREEN shopping center: 5 room and bath up IV 6 3242 8 AIRMOUNT Lee: 5 $190: kid Gianz Broker 10615 Euclid Sat 10 7 SW 1 4430 Oldest in rentals ULLERTON 6203: 5'jooms Up schools churches anipuriation BR 2i4 2 3 GARIELD Heights: 3 rooms befit up: garage: older couple Ml 1 6966 after 7 GARIELD Heights: 6 rrom up ga rage adults only DI 11479 GROVEWOOD near Lake Shore Blvd 6 rooms up: adults $90 YE 2 8087HAYDEN Shaw area: ft up $85 THOMAS REALTY 11474 HEIGHTS Temple area: 3 bedrooms? down modern kitchen good tua urv ice 125 Y1 39009 HEIGHTS Single 7: $175 Glam Broker 10615 Euclid Sat J0 7 SW 14430 Oldest In rentals HEIGHTS up and dout 6 $125 Gianz broker 10615 EiMltd Satur day 10 7 Oldest in rentals klNSMAN East Blvd: 5 rooms up: tile bath: gas furnace: garage MI 10830 1 AKE SHORE area: Lower $95 Giant Broker 10615 Euclid Sat 10 7 SW to4430Oldest inrenlals LAKESHORE BLVD 149 area: 8 attractive rooms up: garage adults only $85 IV 17207 IAUMER off Warner: ft rooms up: 1 child: $85 References VU 3 4449 MAPLE Heights: 3 bedroom single fenced yard gas heal: accept chil dren: 125 references 1 yr lease MO 26573 MILES 93 St: 3 rooma up near transportation VU 9 1241 MT PLEASANT: Lovely 2 bedroom single adults accept 1 child WY 13077 NELA: double 95 Gianz Broker 10615 Euclid Sat 107 SW 1 4430 Oldest In rentals NELA Park area: ft rooma down: no children 100 mo Aug 1 MV 13894 PAXTON 911: 5 rooms and bath white adults only WH 36348 RICHMOND HEIGHTS New 3 bedroom colonial with family room: built in oven and range near schools churches and shopping Im mediate occupancy 200 per month RE 28713 ST CLAIR 67: 4 rooms bath vp couple only white IV 6 0594 SHAKER Heights: Newly decorated A room upper: available about Aug 15: Includes alr coniytioned 3d floor with 2 bedrooms batn: 2 car garage op tional close to Lomond School and rapid: play yard for children $140 WA 1 1034 SHAKER: 5 room upper: beautiful English stucco Avalon Rd 5 min utes to rapid shopping large garage $125 WA 10936 SHAKER: Lower suited 5 'rooms and breakfast room: near Lynnfield WA 1 3769 SHAKER Winchell near rapid 5 room lower suite adults $130 Avail able Aug 1 TE 1 8495 SHAKER Daleford: 5 down: carpeted garage: adults: $150 WY 1 6911 EV 1 6498 SHAKER Square area: double $100 Gianz Broker 10615 Euclid Sat 107 Oldest in rentals SHAKER HEIGHTS Newell Rd Re decorated 5 room upper suite: adults only available Aug 1 WY 11748 SHAKER: 5 $135 Kids Gianz Broker 10615 Euclid Sat 10 7 SW 14430 Oldest in rentals SHAKER 3549 Hildana: 6 ooms up: $125 LO 11801 SHAKER Square area: ft duplex $90 THOMAS REALTY SW 1 1474 44 Rsat Apirtainti (Eart) KINSMAN 13T01: 3 roomr heat hot water white $55 WA 16312 LAKE SHORE BLVD CORNER EAST PARK DRIVE EAST PARK MANOR Express bus 15 mln to downtown large living room large bedroom: Pullman kitchen tile bath washer and dryer in each suite Gas range: refrigerator air conditioned: 99 mo Immediate occupancy IV 6 2097 LAKE Shore Blvd I7f 18: New 1 bedroom apt refrigerator stove vajier drjer $105 uiquire Apt 2 iv tosoeo lXxeview 1138 of Superior: Madera brick bldg 3 and 4 room suites: on transportation colored PO 19999 LAiVIXW 828: Beautiful aultet 4 rooms $80: ft rooms $90 heat hot water bulldlug newly painted Inquire cvstodlan UL 11174 LAKEVIEW 1134 of Superior: 4 room suite on transportation colored MU 19095 LENNOX Rd near Cedar 5 room semi basement apt: $90 ER 11056 LEXINGTON 7404: ft rooms bath? heat white WA 14296 or WY 1 8505 LEXINGTON 7719 5 rooms 60 adults white: nice porch LINWOOD Ave 7418: Attractive 3 room front suite Porch heat stove tce'ett White 60 YE 2 6370 MARCELLA 17800' comer Lake Shore: 3 rooms stove refrigerator: adults 890 SK 1 5796 IV 1 2162 2646 MAYIELD RD 3fr rooms $100 A 1 554 9 NOBLE 1820 near Euclid: 4 and bath adults Custodian ORVILLE Ave lOBo'ft: Available Aug 1st 6 rooms newly decorated bath heat: beautiful brick bldg refined adult desired Custodian on premises after 6 OVERLOOK 3509: 6 rooms on 3d: 3 baths: stove and refrigerator fur nlshed Inquire custodian OVERLOOK 2515: 9 rooms on 1st stove and refrigerator Inquire custodian AKKLAWN otf Laknir: BMutlful 3 room brick apt Including living room with In a door bed bedroom kitchen private bath: 'heat and hot water furnished: custodian services: colored MU 18108 PARKLAWN off of Lakeview: Urge 3U2 rooms heat: garage security de posit: colored 14498 ST CLAIR AVE 15201: ive Points Bldg 4 rocm fulte newly decorated: adults only: lease 'required: $75 see custodian or call MA 1 1463 ST CLAIR 10326: 5 rooms 2nd? bath heat hot water white $75 Inquire custodian Apt 5 ST CLAIR 188: ROOMS? ADULTS AN 11341 SCOVILL 3847: ft large rooms See custodian Mrs Patton Shaker Square 2 bedroom betted apt 3d floor 1 35 with garage: Itreet of Van Aken 13309 Buckeye Apply cuetodianuite 17 Shaker Square 2 bedroom apt: bathroom and a half: all electric kitchen under ground garage elevator washing Macillttea: Sept 1st occupancy 2890 Van Aken 'x SHAKER SQUARE 3 bedroom suite baths good closets electric kitchen In Elevator Bldg Includes all utilities garage and air conditioning METROPOLITAN MANAGEMENT GA 1 1800 SHAKER 3140 Warrensville Center: De luxe 2 bedrooms: all electric kitchen exceptional closets large rooms: well maintained bldg near rapid shopping schools St Dom inic's Parish: 175 includes garage: available Aug 1 WY 1 14 08 or SK 18888 SHAKER Square area: 3 large pleas ant rooms bath stove on third adults GA 14365 86 4 rooms 2nd reliable colored couple SW 8 0854 138 ST CLAIR 4 rooms bath UL 11358 CATES MILLS home on acres living room: dininx room kitchen sunroom: 3 bedrooms 2 baths $250 month HA 34544 3 NICELY URNISHED ROOMS BATH RA 12989 50 Rnt urn Houm (W) DEN ISON 60: Bachdor entire 3 bedroom house all facilities TV: occupancy by Aug 1 AT 12594 LAKEWOOD Waterbury: 4 large room a bath 3rd: LA 19562 LAKEWOOD: 5 room single i2 bed roon j): 165 lease YE 2 5746 MIDDLEBURG Heights: 4 newly fur nished rooms with utllitlm: couple only $130 month VI 3 6949 after 6 PARMA Heights: 2 bedroom single VI WASCANA Ave 4 furnished rooru 3 or 4 adults AC 18533 25 C1art area: 4 rooms down: 1 bedroom only transport al Ion and stores handy garage ME 19194 46 3134: 4 rooms bath up working couple utilities Newly deco rated OL 1 6886 83 2206 off Lorain 4 rooms: couple: $75 mo OL 14629 3237 90th: Up 5 rooms and bath: children welcome $135 mo or $35 wk CL 23921 llS Loraln: ft room bith clean modt rn: up $125 CL 10327 W140 3i roums $125 40 infant wk 25 17 Screnton 2 women $75 60 child wk $30 150th area: 5 rooms wk 35 PLACEMENT CHARGE $10 SATISACTION GUARANTEED VANN'S RENTAL AGENCY 3278 117 10 4 CL 2 0155 NEARTalrport Modem 4 room singled115 Adults CL 15450 WOMAN will share 3 room apt with same HE 1 2044 after 11 3 5 5 ROOM apt: nicely furnished will share with 1 or 2 wortlpg women or a mother and child AT 11812 GIRL: will share 4 room Apt with same Rapid AC 1 7072 after 4 GIRL will share her ride apt with same ME 100 5 ME 11962 2093 LEWIS Dr Lakewood: Gentle man will share house with couple BUSINESS girl will share her Heights wlth ame A 15606 51 ChilSrta Buirdef Aiffftlitrt mutt bf lictuttd byOkio ef Pblit Iefere YOUNGSTERS 3 to EV 23187 CARE IN LOVING HOME ENCED IN YARD DAYS WI 11792 HAVE room for employed parent child Will board child GL 1 4102 54 Hums tor And Invalids Htmtt tfCfftitt 3 ur mort ptrsout mutt be liefutfi by tkt Dfturtmnt of Public Welfare of Ohio MEN WOMEN DORA ANN REST HOME INEST BEDAST SOMETHING INER OR PARTICULAR PEOPLE Phone: Mantua Crestwood 42213 100 IREPROO NEW BRICK OR YOUR LOVED ONE AT LAKEVIEW REST HOME AMBULATORY BEDAST MEN WOMEN REGISTERED NURSE 24 HOURS Phone Mantua CRestwood 42300 BEAUTIUL private home for the seed Will accept bedfast ambulatory or heloless men or women patients Rehabilitation and recreation 6512 ranklin Blvd Good food reasonable rtefc nursing care AT 1 0582 MOTHER and son will share home with business or retired man good meals: first floor room next to bath: screened porch can go for rides new Olds care If needed UL 12826 WINDSOR REST HOME Lovely homelike: vacancy 2 women one man: ambulatory Very reasonable 4701 Wtodsor IVY HOUSE Lake newest and finest rest home Call Painesville EL 24761 LAKEWOOD 2066 Robin: 14 and 2room apt share bath See Apt 1 LAKEWOOD: Bachelor apt 2 rooms private bath entrance BE 47710 LORAIN RD 20077 New apartment furnished: 1 bedroom living dining combination kitchen bath utilities linens and parking MADISON 79 4 rooms bath' adults WO 11881 YE 24203 NORTH OLMSTED 3 rooms and bath private entrance close to bus $90 plus utilities ED 1 9807 ROCKY River: New studio suite pri vate entrance: all conveniences: cou pe $90 month ED 1 0651 SCRANTON RDj 3 roems bath 1 child $19 week IV 1 7001 WALW'ORTH 4710: 4 rooms bath up Inquire after 5 25 3264: 2 rooms bath utilities Padi parting space 32 3 remodeled rooms private bath adults AT 1 5466 ME 12059 32 1791: 3 rooms private bath? entrance hot water heat beautifully droorated: rigldaire adults refer ences Must be seen to appreciate 25 LORAIN AVE: Comer loca tion 4 rooms completely furnished Newly decorated Utilities furnished Ideal tor small family Cail CL 2 3241 25TH 2903: Brick bldg on 2d fioor 3 rooms $65 month 2 roons $55 month 1730 25: 3 room suite utilities A location 2 children $20 week OL 1 1660 73 3168 3' rooms private 'en trance bath down: front 101: Clean 2 room suite 2 mln from rapid Adults OL 14207 EAST Side near town between Su perior and St Clair: Nice 4 rooms: handy to churches stores etc heat and hot wster furnished white rea sonable EN 1 7067 BRAND new room bungalow with utility room and attached garage with option to buy $185 2558 Lee jY 2 0405 by appointment only 6 ROOM single immediate occupancy: in Lyndhurst: $135 mo Call Bob Holtz HI 22687 4 ROOMS bath up Reliable couple No children VU 39947 SIX rooms bath down: gas furnace vritite: no pets PO 11375 6 9 5 ROOMS up of Union $70 SZ 11002 tVhite 47 Huum fur Runt (Wtrt) ALTHEN 2606: 5 rooms and bath up adults Call after 4 BEREA 3 lovely rooms up? car pet and heat: OR 12697 BOSWORTH RD 3452: 6 attraclhe down garage adults open BROOKPARK W130: 4 room single CL 2 2 665 for appointment CH ATHAM Ave room single adults References ME 17687 CLARK Ave 2208: 7 rooms up modern: $85 month Adults Key at barber Shop AC 17294 CLEVELAND: 6 room suite Close to 98th and Lorain Children OK $90 a month 2 suites available Call Mr Behren AC 6 7344 COTTAGES In Canada: swim fish dance golf: $40 $45 OR Mill KELLEYS Island: Openings for Aug Modern conveniences ED 1 5718 57 Rent Suburban Property MACEDONIA: Country house nearly 3 arrs good for large garden Good well water oil furnace electric stove large frBxer refrigerator Ideal place tor famllv with m11 children Near ord and Chry'ler stamping plants Available Aug 1 per month 8388 South Bedford Rd Imperial 7 6200 THREE room apartment' four room house automatic gas heat and hot water: modern kitchen newly re modeled: playgrounds shopping cen ter schools churches: $4250 per month rod $4750 nr month MAPLE GROVE PARK Windham Phone David 6 4631 or call at office NEW 9 sultT apt 60G Andrews Rf Mentor on the Lake rooms bath elertric Move refrigerator: heat pater furnished Willoughby 2 3355 or VTHourhby 28467 REE rent and utilities of 4 room furnished house In exchange for house work and yard work: mlldle aced white couple nochildrrn JA 6 8384 MADISON single $100 Glanr broker 10615 Eudl1 Sat 10 7 SW 1 4430 Oldest In rentals 4 ROOMS double rarsge 156 Jack? so nRd reBurt on a ke IM 76 496 COLUMBIA Rd: 5 rooms with spoil ences garage TR1 662Q 58 Wunt Suburbin Proparty ENGINEER wife and 3 children desire 3 or 4 bedrorm home: prefer east suburbs Cail Mr Costa VU 3 9292 SO Suminur Rutorts ycattonland 2' miles west of Vermllton Ohio Route 2 6 Stop TH7rffn7wO7t38y' 4 Hutili CAMBRIDGE HOTEL" 1837 79 ST ROOM DAY OR WEEK WHITE HOTEL CHESTER 1816 Permanent rooms available Men nly 65 Businws Plac forjlunt STORE VTourtv'on U'fdtor tny type of buglnegt laie 15Li It 20x80 tn any bind nf biiilnm Qo PH 133M STORE: rjM bmlnw loettirn ma In: U0 Buckeye gw 1111" etorernom oomr aib txreln ED 1 TT tCenUsK la Neil Uln) wthoct TU O8 SAGAMORE T70C 1 ROOMS 100" REE TO LANDLORDS HE 1 8274 TENANTS WITH' BEST REHiRBtCES ST CLAIR 0507 corner S5: 1 2 THOMAS REALTY SW 1 4114 urge room ants kitchen baths sleep LADY lrtle quiet colored 3 5 Perking HE 45gs rooms stove refrigerator unfurnished PT ClalrE 79: 2 rooms private en RA 10912 before 4 trance and bath adults $15 week ELDERLY widow urgently needs 3 NE 1 0360 rooms on 2d: vicinity of East Clevt st CLAIR 10312: 3 rooma bath Und GA 1 2574 and utilities White 7750 Apt 3 WORKING mother and small child ST CLAIR 110: 3 large clean desire 2 room kitchenette apt reason rooms children: white UL 1 0341 able: colored SK 1 4 988 i PROESSIONAL woman derires 3 ILultkWHITE1 5 ROOM8 BATH: room apt garage apt or otherwise PLLTb white esrt A 17374 eves Cl LI a 1 YOUNG man wants furnished or un ut tCSlS tlOtCl furnished apt: vicinity 130 Pearl or York Pd VT 3 6784 Beautifully decorated kitchenette apts rzTrr with corrolete hotel service attractive LOCAL contractor would like rooms lobby with TV excellent accommoda or apt for 2 men with telephone Hons for single couple and small Southwest Box 12567 Plain Dealer families1 BUSINESS mothr (teslre 5 6 Very Reasonable Rate nnLML Or EN 1 5314 £uet) 82 GA 1 8580 ELECTRONIC worker: adults Giant broker SW 1 4434 CE 1 1587 STEARNS 2168: Near colleges: 4 1 1 i rooms down private entrance adult ALUMINUM worker and wife: Glans couple $65 A 18100 SW 1 4432 CE 1 1587 CTflVI COURT DRATSMAN nd wlfA kdultr Cllm VlCLClUn LUUM broker CE 1 1587 SW 1 4432 8O1 EUCLID 1 2 3 room nrwly remodetM and 2 MIDDLE rd adult 4 or room decorutkd electric kitchen elevator: tlrlt utllltie HE 2 1310 uitble 2 3 narklnr 1760 up YOUNG employed reiple delre 3 4 SUNVI3W 151S3: Lana 4 room pt room aaat: up to 80 RW I S311 bth down 20 week MO 3 83OA tCaollaaeO la Vai talaanl (Continued la Nell Calaaal.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2025)


What happened to the Cleveland Plain dealer in 2013? ›

In August 2013, The Plain Dealer reduced home delivery from seven days a week to four: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. It continued to publish an edition seven days a week that is available in electronic form at, and in print at stores, newsracks and newsstands.

Why is Cleveland's newspaper called The Plain Dealer? ›

Its name was probably inspired by a former Jacksonian paper published in New York. Among its early staff members was CHAS. FARRAR BROWNE, who created the character "Artemus Ward." In the years leading up to the CIVIL WAR, the Plain Dealer was the local Democratic organ in a Republican city and region.

Where is the Cleveland Plain Dealer located? ›

Plain Dealer Publishing Co, 4800 Tiedeman Rd, Cleveland, OH - MapQuest.

Does The Plain Dealer still deliver? ›

Hundreds of thousands of copies of The Plain Dealer are delivered each week. The goal is to have newspapers to homes, coin-operated boxes and newsstands by 7 a.m. on weekdays, 8 a.m. on Saturdays and 8:30 a.m. on Sundays, come rain or shine, in most cases, before the crack of dawn!

Who bought The Plain Dealer building? ›

One of those that submitted a bid was Industrial Commercial Properties/Cleveland Superior, LLC, which now owns the former Plain Dealer building.

What is the largest newspaper in Ohio? ›

The Plain Dealer, Ohio's largest newspaper and top advertising source.

What is the oldest newspaper in Cleveland? ›

Like many of civilization's amenities, journalism came late to the Cleveland area. The settlement waited more than 20 years for its first newspaper, Andrew Logan's CLEAVELAND GAZETTE & COMMERCIAL REGISTER, founded on 31 July 1818.

Who owns Cleveland Plain Dealer? ›

In April, Advance Local—which owns the Plain Dealer as well as, a non-unionized digital news operation—laid off twenty-two Plain Dealer staffers. (Advance positions as a separate media entity, though stories from both newsrooms have always appeared on the same site and print paper.)

What did Cleveland used to be called? ›

Cleveland was founded in 1796, the result of a Connecticut Land Company survey of a 3.3-million-acres on the shores of Lake Erie that it would originally call, “The Western Reserve.” Named after General Moses Cleaveland, the City of Cleveland was incorporated in 1836.

How much is the Sunday Cleveland Plain dealer? ›

The huge majority of people who read The Plain Dealer do so by subscribing, but people who buy the paper on newsstands will see higher prices starting Monday: $5 on Sundays and $3 the rest of the week. It's part of our continuing effort to sustain local journalism for the long term.

Does Cleveland still have the flats? ›

The Flats have come back to life thanks to a multi-million-dollar makeover to both its east and west banks. This waterfront neighborhood now features restaurants, bars, shops and a boardwalk with complementary green space.

What days does the Cleveland Plain Dealer deliver? ›

You can also subscribe online. 2. What time should my paper arrive each morning? Expect delivery of your newspaper by 6:00 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays, by 7 a.m. on Saturdays and by 8:30 a.m. on Sundays.

How much is a Cleveland Plain Dealer subscription? ›

Just $10 a month. You will be charged monthly unless and until you cancel your subscription. You may cancel your subscription at any time by calling 216-999-6000 or by visiting Can I get a subscription with an introductory offer?

How do I contact The Plain Dealer in Cleveland? ›

The Plain Dealer Production and Distribution Center 4800 Tiedeman Road Brooklyn, Ohio 44144 (216) 999-5000 or (800) 362-0727 Hours: 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Can I read The Plain Dealer online? ›

A: When you purchase a subscription package through the Plain Dealer Publishing Co. circulation department, you have access to The Plain Dealer e-edition via any of The Plain Dealer apps and via the desktop browser version using the same username and password on up to three devices.

What happened to the Cleveland press? ›

Citing the depressed economy and consequent losses in advertising, however, Cole announced the paper's closing on 17 June 1982, and the final edition appeared that afternoon. The former Press plant was demolished to make room for the North Point office complex. View image at Cleveland Memory.

Why did Cleveland decline? ›

Many whites and middle class people continue to leave city life for suburban life. Even some of the closest suburbs such as East Cleveland are being brought down too. Much of the decline of Cleveland has to do with the deindustrialization of the city.

When did Cleveland decline? ›

The Greater Cleveland area's population had more than doubled between 1940 and 1960, but grew only from 2.7 to 3.3 million in the next 20 years--and actually declined by nearly 300,000 between 1970 and 1990.

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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.