Play Internet Sweepstakes at Home: Riversweeps Platinium (2024)


Nowadays, gambling lovers prefer online sweepstakes games to land-based ones. However, due to legal restrictions, most people face difficulties while finding the best online games to play. Therefore, you need to choose your internet game provider and make sure that it has certified games. Riversweeps Platinium could be the best choice to play internet sweepstakes at home. It provides you with online gambling that you could quickly find a wide variety of excellent online games.

It also offers online games for real money. You could access all kinds of games you want, so today you can start to play internet sweepstakes games online. From poker games to table games, you could easily find all sports and play with only one click from your comfort home. To play internet sweepstakes at home does not depend on your location, so whether you are in Florida, Maine, or anywhere else. You could enjoy the best sweepstakes games while drinking your favorite drink at your home.

As a marketing tool sweepstakes are an excellent choice for business owners to gain the attention of customers. Usually, players play sweepstakes to maximize their awards and winnings. Users buy specific products of services to play casino games without any additional purchases. Because of its prizes and advantages, most players are interested in sweepstakes games.

Therefore, online casino business owners always try to find the most effective ways to gain more customers. Sweepstakes games are one of them and proved its effectiveness over the years.

The popularity of slot games is increasing nowadays, and both inexperienced and experienced players eager to play internet sweepstakes games online. In this article, we have provided several online games so that you could easily play internet sweepstakes at home.

How do you need to start to play internet sweepstakes at home?

If you would like to river sweepstakes play at home, all you need to have is a computer internet connection and right sweepstakes. You can see that it is so easy and cheap to play internet sweepstakes games online. There are additionally several tools to speed up the playing process. You could have heard about the individual programs for auto-filling sweepstakes forms. These forms may help you a lot to speed up the process so that you could play more sweepstakes within a limited time. We can recommend some of these programs.


The most popular one is Roboform. It will make your work more comfortable if you get bored of filing sweepstakes forms very time you want to start a game. With its simple interface, you can quickly enter your data such as phone number, address, name, age, etc. Later you can fill forms automatically with just one click. In the end, you can enter more sweepstakes with saved time and energy. Also, Roboform helps you to eliminate the typo mistakes as it automatically adds correct data into the application.

It allows you to save data for each sweepstake you want to play. Initially, before starting any sweepstakes, you enter your data manually and keep it to the Roboform. Later you use saved data to fill it automatically. It has more flexibility for you to make the game experience more comfortable. For example, you can keep separate data for each sweepstake you want to play. Or if there is more than one person that uses your computer and each has its own sweepstakes data, you can also save their data separately, and each person can use its data accordingly.

Having an identical and robust password is also a concern of sweepstakes players. Before starting to river sweepstakes play at home, you need to submit a username and password. However, providing a unique password for each sweepstake is challenging for most of the users. Also, you cannot use the same valid password for each sweepstake you join in case of a hacked database or sweepstakes scams. Therefore, you need to have a powerful tool to generate a strong and identical password for every sweepstake you enter. Roboform also does the job. You can create a strong password for each sweepstake game you begin and even save those passwords for later usage.

Using Roboform While you play internet sweepstakes at home

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You can freely download Roboform to your computer. However, after trying it for free, you need to upgrade it for later uses. The paid version will offer you different flexibilities, easiness, and advanced features. It creates ease to enter sweepstakes and to fill forms from different devices. You can complete application while using your computer, mobile device, or tablet. It helps you a lot with its excellent functionalities. With Roboform, you will not forget the password for your sweepstakes as it saves several passwords for each sweepstakes game. Also, you will avoid making mistakes while filling the sweepstakes form. Before buying a product, you can download and try it for free. If you like Roboform you can purchase for advanced version and enjoy thousands of functionalities.

Besides all its easiness and flexibility, Roboform contains some disadvantages. For example, some sweepstakes do not accept filling forms with any program, including Roboform. It could create some problems for you because if you use Roboform probably, you will not remember personal data such as the password for each sweepstake if you need to remind them then why you use particular program to do it instead of you. Even some sweepstakes may disqualify you for using Roboform. They can do it without notifying you beforehand.

Although it provides a free version for users, note that most of its advanced functionalities are available only for the paid version. Therefore, before using any sweepstakes software for auto-filling, you need to read the rules of sweepstakes carefully. Roboform is an excellent option to speed up the form filling process. However, it is not the only software you can use. There are hundreds of similar programs so you can take advantage of it without any purchase.

What kind of personal data will you need when you play internet sweepstakes at home?

Before starting to play sweepstakes at home, you need to consider which personal data you will need to enter into the application form. For example, to avoid future problems, you can use your official id of one of the official documents such as a state identification card or driver’s license. Also, opening a separate email address for only sweepstakes could help you to organize your entries quickly and easily.

Moreover, you need to avoid to enter the address into the P.O. boxes as most of the slot games disable them. After deciding what kind of data you will provide, you can switch to the next step. In that step, you need to concentrate on finding sweepstakes. There are thousands of options, and each offers different awards and winnings. You need to find the best ones for not wasting your time and energy. If you want to know the best options to play internet sweepstakes games online, then continue reading the article. We will provide the best sweepstakes in the gambling industry. But before moving to that section, we want to add more tips to help you to play internet sweepstakes at home.

The number one tip is about entering sweepstakes regularly. Winning sweepstakes requires patience and time. Most people think that winning them only depends on your luck. However, more factors affect your winnings. To learn the ways to play internet sweepstakes at home, you need to play as much as you can. Only by that way, you could develop a winning strategy and increase your awards. Some people start winning awards the day they enter the slot games, yet for others, it could take time. Therefore, to win prizes, you need to keep entering sweepstakes.

How to win more when you play internet sweepstakes at home?

If you have read the first part, then you have an understanding about how to enter sweepstakes and how to fill forms quickly. Now we can switch to the next step, which is about how to win more sweepstakes. You need to know some essential factors to play internet sweepstakes at home. When you win sweepstakes, people usually tell you that you are so lucky. Of course, luck plays an important role when it comes to winning sweepstakes. However, several other factors also affect your winnings, and you can improve your success by applying these strategies.

In the first stage, you need to create a list of sweepstakes you will enter daily. It will help you to organize your entries and save a lot of time. Also, you can create a mixture of sweepstakes with different prizes. Before that, you need to decide which sweepstakes are worth your time. Remember that you need to be picky about the sweepstakes you enter. And do not forget to join regularly. The more you play internet sweepstakes at home, the more chances you get to win. Add sweepstakes into your daily schedule so that you do not forget to enter them regularly. And as a final step, you can keep a log of your winnings. You can easily remember which sweepstakes prizes you win or waiting to get. Therefore, we recommend keeping the list of your awards.

How to stay motivated when you play internet sweepstakes at home?

Every sweepstakes player have faced with dry spells, where they play regularly but cannot win any prizes. The first option comes to your mind, in that case, could be like you are wasting time by playing non-winning games. As a result, you could think about stopping to play internet sweepstakes at home. However, in that case, you need to keep yourself motivated even though you are losing continuously. There is a popular methodology to keep you motivated called a vision board. Some people call it a dream board, yet others prefer to say, inspiration board. You can easily create your vision board, which will make you stay motivated and empowered. It accomplishes its goal by making the visualization of prizes and awards you want to win.

To play internet sweepstakes at home is an entertaining activity. However, if you play it continuously without winning an award, it could be frustrating for you, and the first thing you can do would be to quit playing. Therefore, a vision board will be there to remind you why you are spending time to play internet sweepstakes games online. The main idea is to create a collection of images that will tell you of the reasons you want to play internet sweepstakes at home.

Also, the prizes you want to win will give you the motivation to start the game. You can place those images near the place you play internet sweepstakes games online. The key idea is to keep these images close to you so that you can see them daily and motivate yourself to start to play online sweepstakes at home. If you feel discouraged or frustrated, take time to look at the prizes that could be yours if you keep playing.

Items for a vision board

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We will provide some items you could use in your vision board to keep you motivated. The first thing could be a picture of the awards you would like to win. The second item you could add to your vision board could be quotes of famous people about motivation and winning. Also, while preparing board do not forget to add your past awards. It will help you realize you are capable of winning, and with a little patience, you will get the prizes you want. You can create a space for images describing how you feel when you win. It could be people jumping or faces with big smiles. And in the end, simple phrases such as “you can do it!” or “You are a winner.” these words will help you a lot to gain inspiration.

You do not need to create an inspiration board that is overpowering. Before adding an image or quote, you need to analyze how that image makes you feel and how it fits the general goal of your vision board. It is okay to feel like images you added previously is no longer making you feel motivated. You can replace images freely as time passes. It is even an excellent action to change them frequently so that you do not feel accustomed to your inspiration board. Remember that each you see the board you need to feel motivated and inspired. If you do not notice it, then it means it is time to replace items on it. Vision boards are trendy, and people not only use them to play sweepstakes games at home. You can do google search to see some examples for an inspiration board.

Is the vision board enough when you play internet sweepstakes at home?

Vision boards are great tools to motivate you to keep playing. However, they are not enough to win more prizes from online slot games. There are some vision board disadvantages that we would like to mention. There is an interesting article about the role and importance of inspiration boards from Psychology Today. According to the report, imagination and motivation is not the only thing that will lead to success. If you only keep yourself motivated about the positive things you want to achieve but do not take time to make some actions, then failure will not be so severe. The article demonstrates one sample study about the downside of imagination. According to the survey among college students, students who imagine successful job applications after graduation get fewer job offers with smaller salaries.

Imagining prizes you could win is a powerful tool to keep you motivated but is not enough for winning those prizes. You need to keep trying and playing until you get that award. Other than vision boards, there is another way called three Ps.

Three P’s method

According to experts, the most crucial strategy which will help you to be more successful on sweepstakes is about three P’s method. It contains three words: Patience, Perseverance, and Positive Attitude.


To play internet sweepstakes at home will be difficult for an impatient person. You could be lucky to win the several first games, but to continue the winnings you need to be patient. Even after winning, getting your award could take time. You will get a notification only after sweepstakes end. Sponsors need to confirm your entries and get in touch with you. Each step takes some time.

Therefore, we put particular importance on being patient while talking about winning sweepstakes prizes. Patience is not essential for your first win. Even the luckiest players face a lot of dry spells where they enter hundreds of sweepstakes but could not win even one of them. Therefore, it is the number one rule for sweepstakes games players. If you do not act patiently to play internet sweepstakes at home will not be enjoyable for you, and you will leave playing without winning prizes.


The second essential quality you need to have to play internet sweepstakes games online is perseverance. By mentioning perseverance, we do not mean every day you should start your day by playing sweepstakes games. We want to say that you need to add sweepstakes to your schedule and play continuously. Even it is about half an hour during a day you need to spend available time playing sweepstakes.

Positive attitude

Having a positive attitude will help you to preserve your patience and perseverance, and you will focus games easily. You need to keep in your mind that to play internet sweepstakes at home is not a job or duty. You need to enjoy the games you play while collecting all the awards and prizes. Otherwise, you will only focus on the winning titles and quit playing once you face with dry spells. Playing sweepstakes is not only about winning a lot of prizes. It is also about enjoying games, imagining about the prizes you could win, and sharing your rewards with others. Try having fun while playing sweepstakes games.

We have introduced several ways to keep you motivated while playing sweepstakes. Now the next step is about deciding which sweepstakes games you can play from your home. There are thousands of options, but here we are presenting only several best ones for you. Riversweeps Platinium is one of the most reputable businesses in the U.S. because of its sweepstakes games. There are lots of companies that offer sweepstakes games. But before choosing the right company, you need to investigate it. The company should have certified and legal business; otherwise, instead of winning prizes, you will waste your time and energy.

Examples of Sweepstakes Slots

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Wolf Reels

The first game we want to introduce is Wolf Reels. This excellent game by Riversweeps Platinium could be an excellent option for online gambling lovers. Its graphics, color choices, sound effects make this game one of the favorites among players. You will enjoy the game and collect different kinds of prizes at the same time. We are sure that Wolf Reels is capable of providing the best gaming experience for you. While reaching upper levels, you will get more prizes and awards. There are four types of rewards you could get from the game. You can get those prizes from four levels, including silver, red, gold, and platinum. It provides you four levels so that you can get more rewards and enjoy the game.

The game is an excellent choice for players with different budgets. Riversweeps Platinium offers new games, yet Wold Reels is famous, and one of the most played games. Before starting to play the game, you need to download it. It has simple rules so you can easily download and begin to play it. You need to be quick to collect the prizes and awards. Playing Wolf Reels never gets bored because you never see the same background design. It always changes while you are playing. It’s simple rules, and excellent graphics make this game enjoyable for gambling lovers. They collect prizes once they act quickly and receive bonuses. The wild symbol will help you to maximize your winnings.

Tiki Island

Tiki Island is another game by Riversweeps Platinium which attracted the attention of a lot of players. Because of its images, colors, and music, you will feel like you are playing with the real machine. If you want to play internet sweepstakes at home without leaving your comfort place, then this game is an excellent choice. For playing games you no more need to listen to the noisiness of land-based casinos as playing your favorite games is more comfortable today. There are unique game options like Tiki Island available online. Tiki Island will help you to feel the summer spirit, whether you are playing it during winter or summertime.

From starting the game, you can gain a lot of prizes as it has simple rules. There are five reels with twenty paylines. Initially, you will choose the coin amount by clicking -/+ signs to increase or decrease the starting amount. It is a multiline game, which means you can bet up to 20 lines. Once the Wild symbols trigger, it replaces all other symbols except scatters. Scatters play an essential role in the game because they maximize your prizes. You can win prizes only from selected lines. Like other games of Riversweeps Platinium entering and starting to play Tiki Island is so easy. After creating an account and adding necessary data, you can begin to enjoy Tiki Island.

Hot as Devil

Hot as Devil is another game offers its players lots of prizes and winnings. This exciting game by Riversweeps Platinium has hell themes design. Its graphics are enough to make you feel like you are playing with a real machine. You will enjoy free plays and awards while playing. According to its rules, the game has five reels in which lines pay from left to right. Also, there is one symbol called Hot Free Spin which if you hit it more than twice continuously you will get a free play. There are both manual and autoplay mode. You can stop autoplay mode with the stop button.

White Buffalo

Casino software providers always prefer individual animals as game symbols to offer unique game experience and differentiate their products from their competitors. One of these animals is white bison which online casino software developers frequently refer to while choosing symbols for their games. White bison represents special meaning among North American Indians. According to them, the animal is the symbol of wealth. While considering its purpose, it would not be a surprise for you why companies refer a lot to white bison as the main symbol of the game. White bison is not the only symbol of White Buffalo. You will observe other wild animals, including mountain deer, sheep, mice, and others. But you can get more prizes from the main symbol, which is white bison.

Before starting the game, you will choose the line number by clicking the -/+ buttons. You can select the line amount only between 1 and 25. Next, you will set the coin amount, which should be between one and 30. There is an additional review button where you can always refer and review the rules of White Buffalo. When you are ready, you can click the Spin button and start playing.

Buffalo Thunder

The final game we would like to introduce is the Buffalo Thunder. After playing it, you will realize why a lot of players prefer to play Buffalo Thunder. If you want to play internet sweepstakes at home, we highly recommend Buffalo Thunder. You will get bonuses and free plays while observing both white and black buffalo. There are different ways you could collect prizes. For example, after receiving 150 coins, you will get rewards. Or you could get other various awards once you get the 200 coins. There are two kinds of main symbols in Buffalo Thunder. The first one is white buffalo while the second one if the black buffalo. They both have the same importance, and you could get excellent prizes from both symbols.

Riversweeps Platinum

Riversweeps Platinum is an LA-based casino software developer. Besides building software for sweepstakes, internet cafes, and bitcoin casinos, the brand is also making a difference with their exceptional casino games. Whether it is the slots, sweepstakes, or table casino games, you will have a variety of options when it comes to the software package of Riversweeps Platinum. It is the right place for those of you who would like to acquire fully functional casino software and provide their customers with entertaining casino games. So, if you would like to get more information, just drop a message or call us directly!

With Riversweeps Platinum gambling software it will be easier than ever to access and play internet sweepstakes at home.

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  • sweepstakes business
  • sweepstakes games
  • sweepstakes software
Play Internet Sweepstakes at Home: Riversweeps Platinium (2024)
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