How to Make TikTok Strawberry Tanghulu without a Thermometer (2024)

This is the recipe you need to make TikTok Tanghulu strawberries!

How to Make TikTok Strawberry Tanghulu without a Thermometer (1)

Tanglulu strawberries first appeared on TikTok in December and totally went viral! These candied strawberries are absolutely delicious and make a great sweet treat.

What is TikTok Strawberry Tanghulu

Tanghulu is a traditional street snack in China. Normally it’s made with hawthorn fruit, but I’ve never seen this fruit in the USA.

How to Make TikTok Strawberry Tanghulu without a Thermometer (2)

The hawthorn fruit is very tart, which is why it’s a great choice for tanghulu. I’ve only had hawthorn in the form of haw flakes which is a candy that helps with nausea.

The name tanghulu actually refers to the shape of the hawthorn on the skewers. “Hulu” in Chinese means gourd which is the shape of two spheres together. Thus tanghulu traditionally has an even number of fruits to form the shape of a gourd.

On TikTok however most westerners that make this are using one strawberry instead of two to a skewer. This is probably because it’s easier to coat in the sugar syrup.

The only time I’ve actually seen tanghulu is in chinese period dramas of the ancient period in China!

And I’ve always wanted to try it!

The unavailability of hawthorn is probably why everyone on TikTok is using strawberries to make tanghulu.

What Fruit Can You Use for Tanghulu

On TikTok I’ve only seen people use strawberries for tanghulu, but pretty much any fruit you can cover in chocolate you can use for this tanghulu recipe from TikTok.

How to Make TikTok Strawberry Tanghulu without a Thermometer (3)

Because tanghulu is a sugar coated fruit, I’d pick a tart fruit such as strawberries, raspberries, or kiwi.

Before I saw Tanghulu on TikTok, I actually watched the k-pop stars, BlackPink make tanghulu with grapes too which looked delicious!

What Does TikTok Tanghulu Taste Like

The best part of tanghulu is that satisfying crunch of the sugar exterior! That crunch is what makes it so special!

How to Make TikTok Strawberry Tanghulu without a Thermometer (4)

Tanghulu is basically fruit coated in sugar, so of course it’s pretty sweet. Which is why it’s good to pair it with a tart fruit for balanced flavors.

Do You Need a Candy Thermometer to Make Tanghulu

You do not need a thermometer to make this TikTok tanghulu strawberry recipe. You can simply dip one of your skewers into the syrup then dunking it in ice water to make sure it will harden.

What Kind of Sugar Should I Use for Strawberry Tanghulu

Traditionally you would use Chinese rock sugar or rock candy to make tanghulu. Rock sugar is crystalized sugar commonly used in Chinese braised dishes. It is less sweet than regular white sugar and you can find it in most Asian grocery stores.

Rock sugar also imparts a glossy shine to braised meats which is probably why it’s popular to use with tanghulu. It’ll give your tanghulu that same gloss!

But you can use regular white sugar for strawberry tanghulu if you do not rock candy. I used sugar in the raw because I had several boxes of it at home.

UPDATE: I made this again with rock sugar and it was really good! If you decide to use Chinese rock candy, the ratio of water to sugar is a bit different.

TikTok Tanghulu Recipe (Candied Strawberry)


  • Strawberries (or Other Fruit)
  • Sugar
  • Water
How to Make TikTok Strawberry Tanghulu without a Thermometer (5)

To make the syrup you need 2 parts sugar to one part water. If you are using rock candy instead of sugar the ratio is 1 part sugar to 1 part water.

How To Make TikTok Strawberry Tanghulu

  1. Wash, dry, and trim your strawberries or fruit of your choosing.
  2. Skewer them on one end.
  3. Boil water and sugar together over medium heat until you form a syrup.
  4. Test your syrup by dipping an extra skewer in the syrup then dunking it in ice water. You’ll know the syrup is ready if it hardens immediately in the ice water.
  5. Dunk your strawberries into the syrup then place them immediately on parchment paper to cool and harden. Or you can dunk them in ice water to harden.

Tips on Making Tanghulu

If you are using rock candy, dissolve it a bit first with boiling water (half the amount of total water). Rock candy takes longer to melt so even though the syrup is at the right temperature for hardening, there are still bits of rock sugar at the bottom which won’t melt.

On TikTok everyone trimmed aka cut the top off the strawberries, it’s actually better not to do this. Cutting it leaves an open surface and causes the strawberry to macerate more quickly. You can either leave the strawberries as is, or just pull off the green leaves.

If you do not get a hard candy shell, you did not cook the syrup long enough. The rock sugar definitely hardened faster than the cane sugar I used.

Once your syrup has reached the right temperature turn your heat down to low while you coat your fruit so the syrup does not harden or burn.

It’s much easier to skewer only one strawberry at at time and coat in the syrup. If you have more than one like I did (I used 4 to keep with the Chinese tradition of a gourd shape), you will need a spoon to coat the tanghulu.

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How to Make Tanghulu Without a Candy Thermometer

Though it would be easier to make tanghulu with a candy thermometer you do not need one. Just dip a spoon or knife into the syrup when it looks ready then swirl in iced water. If it hardens then it’s ready, if it’s sticky then it’s not ready.

I did not use a candy thermometer at all and found that the tanghulu syrup made from rock candy hardened immediately without even dipping it in ice water when it was ready.

If you do have a candy thermometer the temperature you need to reach to make the tanghulu syrup is 300 degrees F.

Can You Store Tanghulu

I would recommend you not store Tanghulu. You should eat it immediately after making it. Even after just an hour, the strawberries started to macerate and drip liquid making kind of a mess.

I also left it overnight in my fridge, and that was a big mistake. It dripped everywhere!

For more TikTok Recipes check out these posts: TikTok Cloud Bread, Dalgona Coffee, Whipped Coffee without Instant Coffee, Olive Oil Cake, TikTok Crispy Roasted Potatoes, TikTok Milk Balls. My full list of TikTok Recipes.

How to Make TikTok Strawberry Tanghulu without a Thermometer (6)

TikTok Strawberry Tanghulu Recipe (Candied Strawberry)

The exact recipe for Tanghulu Strawberries you see on TikTok! Make candied strawberry!

5 from 2 votes

Print Recipe Pin Recipe

Prep Time 5 minutes mins

Cook Time 10 minutes mins

Course Dessert

Servings 4


  • 1 Pint Fresh Strawberries
  • 1/2 Cup Sugar
  • 1/4 Cup Water


  • Wash, dry and trim your strawberries or fruit of your choosing.

    How to Make TikTok Strawberry Tanghulu without a Thermometer (7)

  • Skewer the strawberries on one end.

    How to Make TikTok Strawberry Tanghulu without a Thermometer (8)

  • Simmer water and sugar together until you form a syrup, about 5 to 10 minutes.

    How to Make TikTok Strawberry Tanghulu without a Thermometer (9)

  • Test your syrup by dipping an extra skewer in the syrup then dunking it in ice water. You’ll know the syrup is ready if it hardens immediately in the ice water.

  • Dunk your strawberries into the syrup then place immediately on parchment paper to cool and harden. Or alternatively you could dunk the strawberries in ice water to harden immediately.

    How to Make TikTok Strawberry Tanghulu without a Thermometer (10)

Keyword candied fruit, candied strawberry, tanghulu, tanghulu strawberry, tiktok tanghulu

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How to Make TikTok Strawberry Tanghulu without a Thermometer (2024)


What to use instead of skewers for tanghulu? ›

Drying these really well. I'm gonna put the strawberries just on toothpicks instead of skewers, because the skewers makes it hard to dip.

How to know if tanghulu is ready? ›

You can't have tanghulu without a hard crunchy candy coating so it is important to test the syrup. To do this, simply drizzle a spoonful of the syrup into an ice water bath. If it hardens within seconds and cracks when you bend it, then it is ready for dipping.

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Ice Water + Chopstick Trick
  1. Dip a chopstick in the hot sugar mixture.
  2. Then dip it in the ice cold water.
  3. Finally, chew it! If it crunches in your mouth, it's ready. Alternatively, if the sugar mixture gets stuck in your teeth and is hard to chew, it needs more time on the stove.
May 11, 2021

What happens if you stir tanghulu? ›

The sugar will crystallize if you stir it while you cook it. Make sure you don't stir the sugar after it comes to a simmer. If it does crystallize, add another half cup of water and start the process again. If making chocolate tanghulu, once the cocoa powder is added, it will begin to crystallize.

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If you don't have wooden or metal skewers, you can also use wooden chopsticks, rosemary stalks, and sugarcane stalks. Like bamboo or wooden skewers, you'll want to soak your these alternatives if they come will into contact with open flames.

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The stalks from a rosemary plant can be used as skewers as an alternative to wood, bamboo, or metal. Remove the leaves before using them as skewers. The stalks will add a lot of flavour to the kebab.

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Tanghulu is rich in Vitamin C, pectin and chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, maslinic acid, oleanolic acid, quercetin, ursolic acid, chrysin, epicatechin and other organic acids and nutritional elements. The Chinese Hawthorn may have medicinal effects, such as reducing the effects of constipation and dysentery and ...

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Satisfyingly crunchy, but not safe for braces.

Is tanghulu worth it? ›

Most of all, eating tanghulu is a visceral experience. The crunch of the shell is perfect for ASMR videos. Tapping two skewers together or drumming acrylic nails against the outer layer lets you hear how solid it is and makes you want to bite in.

Why is my tanghulu chewy and not crunchy? ›

If the syrup hasn't reach the desired temperature, your tanghulu's sugar coating will be very sticky and not crunchy at all. 4. Work quickly: Once the sugar syrup has reach the desired temperature, reduce heat to low, work quickly to dip the skewered dangos into the syrup and coat them evenly.

Can you refrigerate tanghulu? ›

Not to worry, you can keep tanghulu in the refrigerator and preserve its yummy candy shell. Store it in an airtight container with parchment paper lined on a single layer and not stacked since you want to avoid losing the hardened sugar coating. You can keep it in the fridge for up to three days.

What fruits can you candy? ›

Fruits which are commonly candied include cherries, pineapple, greengages, pears, peaches and melon, as well as ginger root. The principal candied peels are orange and citron; these, together with candied lemon peel, are the usual ingredients of mixed chopped peel.

What is a fun fact about tanghulu? ›

Tanghulu is often mistaken for regular candied fruits; however, it is coated in a hardened sugar syrup. This sweet and sour treat has been made since the Song Dynasty and remains popular throughout northern China.

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This little hack will save your butt when you're out of skewers and toothpicks. There are many recipes that call for one to “secure” something with a skewer or toothpick.

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If you don't have skewers, you can use chopsticks or skip the skewers altogether and cook the chicken on a baking sheet. Kebabs cook quickly, but make sure to flip your skewers halfway through cooking. This will ensure that your skewers bake evenly on both sides.

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If you'd like to make kabobs without a grill, cooking kabobs in the oven is an excellent choice. Simply preheat your oven to 450F. If you're using wooden skewers, make sure to soak them in water for at least 30 minutes, just as you would for outdoor grilling. Then skewer your meat and veggies.

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