Bijeenkomsten - Narcotics Anonymous Nederland (2025)

09:00 Sunrise meeting maandagochtend Den Haag

Buurtcentrum de Mallemok

Westduinweg 38a Den Haag Open, Toegankelijk voor rolstoelen, Topic 09:00 Ochtend Meditatie - JFT


Geschutswerf 12 Amsterdam Beginner/Nieuwkomer, Just for Today, Meditatie, Open 09:00 Kick-start Meditation Meeting maandag


Nederland Nederland Just for Today, Meditatie, Online bijeenkomst, Open 10:00 NA Ochtend Meditatie Meeting


Nederland Nederland Just for Today, Meditatie, Online bijeenkomst, Open, Topic 12:00 Basic Text Meeting / Koffietijd Meeting

Buurthuis de Vrijeban

Vrijenbansestraat 50 Rotterdam Basic Tekst, Besloten, Nederlands/Engels, Toegankelijk voor rolstoelen 12:00 NA-meditatie meeting


Geschutswerf 12 Amsterdam Just for Today, Open 13:00 NA-meeting maandagmiddag Den Bosch

Stichting Ismes

Brede Haven 26 's-Hertogenbosch Open, Stap, Topic, Tradities 19:00 Holendrecht NA-meeting.

Buurthuis Holendrecht

Holendrechtplein 38 Amsterdam Just for Today, Literatuurstudie, Open, Spreker, Toegankelijk voor rolstoelen, Topic 19:00 Solo por Hoy / Spaanse meeting

Buurtkamer Costa & Co

Da Costaplein 12 Amsterdam Besloten, Just for Today, Spaans, Topic 19:00 Miracle Monday Meeting

De Buurtslager

Bernard Loderstraat 46 Amsterdam Basic Tekst, Beginner/Nieuwkomer, Open, Spreker, Stap werkboek studie, Toegankelijk voor rolstoelen, Topic, Tradities 19:00 NA-ST Mondaynight meeting !!! vanaf 3 juni 2024 weer op de Coolhaven!!!

Huis van de Wijk Grote Hagen

Grote Hagen 92 Rotterdam Nederlands/Engels, Open 19:00 Farsi NA-meeting Groningen maandagavond

Ixta Noa

Schuitendiep 39 Groningen 12 Concepten, Beginner/Nieuwkomer, Besloten, Discussie/Participatie, Farsi 19:00 NA-Meditatie meeting Hilversum

Jellinek Noordse Bosje

Noordse Bosje 43 Hilversum Basic Tekst, Beginner/Nieuwkomer, Meditatie, Open, Spreker, Stap, Topic 19:00 NA stappen werkgroep


De Brink 36 Hardenberg Stap werkboek studie, Vragen & antwoorden 19:00 1st timers meeting Den Haag

Wijkcentrum Moerwijk

Aagje Dekenlaan 51 Den Haag Beginner/Nieuwkomer, Open, Spreker, Stap, Topic 19:00 NA Jongeren meeting

Wijkcentrum Symfonie

Valckenierstraat 1 Arnhem Basic Tekst, Beginner/Nieuwkomer, Jongeren, Just for Today, Meditatie, Open, Spreker, Stap, Topic 19:15 NA-meeting Laren

Julianaoord ggz

Leemzeulder 35 Laren Just for Today, Open, Stap, Topic 19:30 NA-meeting Amersfoort


Piet Mondriaanlaan 52 Amersfoort Just for Today, Open, Spreker, Stap, Toegankelijk voor rolstoelen, Topic, Tradities 19:30 NA-Vrouwenmeeting Vrouwen

Brijder Alkmaar

Kees Boekestraat 20 Alkmaar Basic Tekst, Beginner/Nieuwkomer, Just for Today, Open, Spreker, Stap, Toegankelijk voor rolstoelen, Topic, Vrouwen 19:30 Maandagavond NA-meeting Utrecht Zuilen

Buurthuis Bij Bosshardt Zuilen

Pr. Margrietstraat 22 Utrecht Basic Tekst, Beginner/Nieuwkomer, Formaat varieert , Meditatie, Open, Stap, Toegankelijk voor rolstoelen, Topic, Tradities 19:30 NA-meeting Zwolle maandag

Buurthuis de Enk

Enkstraat 67 Zwolle Basic Tekst, Besloten 19:30 NA-meeting Alphen aan de Rijn

Buurthuis de Zeehelden

Van Brakelstraat Alphen aan den Rijn Basic Tekst, Just for Today, Open, Spreker, Stap 19:30 NA-meeting Steenwijk

Cultureel Centrum De Buze

Oostwijkstraat 110 Steenwijk Open 19:30 NA-meeting Oss maandagavond

De Haard

Brederostraat Oss Discussie/Participatie, Open, Topic 19:30 NA-meeting Leeuwarden

De Klomp

Insulindestraat 27 Leeuwarden Basic Tekst, Beginner/Nieuwkomer, Open, Spreker, Stap, Vragen & antwoorden 19:30 NA-meeting maandagavond Haarlem


Werfstraat 13 Haarlem Basic Tekst, Just for Today, Open, Spreker, Stap werkboek studie 19:30 NA-meeting Buitenhofdreef Delft

Het buitenhuis

Buitenhofdreef 274 Delft Open, Spreker, Topic 19:30 Maandagavond meeting van Narcotics Anonymous Sittard

Inloop Zuyderland

Stationsstraat 18 Sittard Basic Tekst, Besloten, Formaat varieert , Just for Today, Stap, Topic, Tradities 19:30 Herstel aan Zee

Kinder Speel Cafe Zandbak

Parallel Boulevard 214D Noordwijk Just for Today, Nederlands/Engels, Open, Spreker, Stap, Stap werkboek studie 19:30 NA-meeting Apeldoorn maandagavond


Jean Monnetpark 77 Apeldoorn Open 19:30 NA-meeting Goes

Leger des Heils

Klein Frankrijk 17 Goes Basic Tekst, Just for Today, Open, Spreker, Stap, Topic 19:30 Stappenwerkboek NA-meeting Breda

Novadic Kentron

Verlengde Poolseweg 2 Breda Open, Stap, Stap werkboek studie 19:30 NA-meeting Venray maandag

Omroep Venray

Langeweg 92B Venray 12 Concepten, Formaat varieert , Just for Today, Open, Spreker 19:30 NA-meeting Gronau

Pfarrzentrum St. Antonius

Mühlenmathe 19 Gronau Basic Tekst, Beginner/Nieuwkomer, Formaat varieert , Just for Today, Open, Spreker, Stap, Topic, Tradities 19:30 NA-meeting Beverwijk maandag

REAKT gebouw Velsen

Cruquiusweg 1a Beverwijk Basic Tekst, Formaat varieert , Just for Today, Open, Spreker, Stap, Stap werkboek studie, Toegankelijk voor rolstoelen, Topic, Tradities, Vragen & antwoorden 19:30 NA-meeting Schoonhoven

Stichting 't Huis van Noord

Voltastraat 2 Schoonhoven Open, Spreker, Topic 19:30 NA-meeting Rondje Week

Stichting Bomanshof

Pastoriestraat 147 Eindhoven Beginner/Nieuwkomer, Nederlands/Engels, Open 19:30 NA-meeting Doetinchem

Stichting Mini Manna

Tollensstraat 5 Doetinchem Beginner/Nieuwkomer, Beperkte toegang, Formaat varieert , Meditatie, Open, Stap werkboek studie, Topic 19:30 NA-meeting Hengelo

Stichting Stap 1

Welbergweg 33 Hengelo Basic Tekst, Beginner/Nieuwkomer, Just for Today studie, Kaarslicht, Literatuurstudie, Living Clean, Spreker, Stap, Topic, Tradities 19:30 Maandagavond NA-meeting Zutphen

Tactus Houtwal

Houtwal 5 Zutphen Besloten, Just for Today, Stap, Tradities 19:30 NA-meeting Deventer maandagavond

Tactus gebouw Deventer

Brink 40 Deventer Beginner/Nieuwkomer, Formaat varieert , Just for Today, Meditatie, Open, Spreker, Stap, Toegankelijk voor rolstoelen, Topic, Tradities 19:30 Keep it simple topic meeting Wateringen

Terra Nova

Het Tolland 2 Wateringen Open, Spreker, Topic 19:30 NA-meeting Dordrecht

Trefpunt De Nieuwe Stoof

De Savornin Lohmanweg 100 Dordrecht Just for Today, Open, Spreker, Stap, Toegankelijk voor rolstoelen, Topic, Tradities 19:30 NA-meeting Elst (Utr.)

Vergaderruimte achter de kerk

Rijksstraatweg 26 Elst Beginner/Nieuwkomer, Nederlands/Engels, Open, Spreker, Stap, Toegankelijk voor rolstoelen, Tradities 19:30 NA-meeting Oirschot


Oude Grintweg 3b Oirschot Just for Today, Open, Spreker, Stap, Toegankelijk voor rolstoelen, Topic 19:30 NA Rijk van Nijmegen maandaggroep

Wijkcentrum Villa Nova

Derde van Hezewijkstraat 2 Nijmegen Open, Toegankelijk voor rolstoelen 19:30 NA-Vrouwenmeeting Nijkerk Vrouwen

Willem Alexanderplein

Willem-Alexanderplein 2 Nijkerk Basic Tekst, Beginner/Nieuwkomer, Besloten, Just for Today, Literatuurstudie, Nederlands/Engels, Spreker, Stap, Toegankelijk voor rolstoelen, Topic, Vrouwen 19:30 Zelfhulpgroep Bladel

ZuidZorg gebouw

Kloostertuin 2 Bladel Just for Today, Open, Spreker, Stap 20:00

De Hoofdzaak

Wilhelminalaan 2 Hoorn Basic Tekst, Literatuurstudie, Living Clean, Nederlands/Engels, Open 20:00 Maandagavond Just for Today meeting Leiden

De Rondedans

Julianastraat 74 Leiden Beginner/Nieuwkomer, Just for Today, Open, Spreker, Toegankelijk voor rolstoelen 20:00 The New Life Group


Geschutswerf 12 Amsterdam Formaat varieert , Nederlands/Engels 20:00 NA-Mannenmeeting Mannen


Hessenbergweg 8 Amsterdam Mannen, Open, Spreker, Toegankelijk voor rolstoelen, Topic 20:00 NA-meeting Enkhuizen

Jongerencentrum Cayen

Peperstraat 2 Enkhuizen Basic Tekst, Beginner/Nieuwkomer, Formaat varieert , Open, Spreker, Stap werkboek studie 20:00 It Works How and Why - Den Haag

Pret in Herstel

Laan van Meerdervoort 184 Den Haag Formaat varieert , It Works studie, Nederlands/Engels, Open, Spreker, Toegankelijk voor rolstoelen 20:00 NA-meeting Den Helder


Willemsoord 39 Den Helder Basic Tekst, Beginner/Nieuwkomer, Just for Today, Open 20:30 Change Things Online


Nederland Nederland Beginner/Nieuwkomer, Besloten, It Works studie, Literatuurstudie, Online bijeenkomst, Stap, Tradities
Bijeenkomsten - Narcotics Anonymous Nederland (2025)


What is the serenity prayer in NA literature? ›

Serenity Prayer

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

What does "basic text" mean in NA? ›

Members of N.A. refer to the book "Narcotics Anonymous" as their "Basic Text". It is the basic text of the fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous, and has helped large numbers of men and women, young and old, who were addicted to drugs, to recover.

What is crosstalk in NA? ›

Cross talk is a tricky concept. Essentially what it means is that if a person shares on a particular topic, another person may jump in and comment on it. This could be read as an evaluation, or even a critique. People don't share their deepest darkest only to invite comment.

What is the 12 step prayer? ›

The prayer reads as follows: God, I offer myself to Thee — To build with me and to do with me as Thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do Thy will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of life.

What is the NA prayer just for today? ›

Just for today through NA I will try to get a better perspective on my life. Just for today I will be unafraid, my thoughts will be on my new associations, people who are not using and who have found a new way of life. So long as I follow that way, I have nothing to fear.

What does the Narcotics Anonymous symbol mean? ›

The NA Symbol and Its Significance

The circle around the square represents wholeness, oneness, and the strength found in the unity and support of the fellowship. Within the square are four sides, each with profound meaning: Self: Taking an honest look at oneself is the first step of the recovery journey.

What are the prayers from the NA basic text? ›

The prayer goes as follows: “God, I offer myself to Thee—to build with me and to do with me as Thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do Thy will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of life.

How many times is the word must in the NA basic text? ›

48 “Musts” as found in the Narcotics Anonymous Basic Text

p21 Explanation: It is not enough to admit that we are powerless over drugs, we MUST also admit that our lives had become unmanageable.

What is the cross-talk rule? ›

Crosstalk is giving advice to others who have already shared, speaking directly to another person rather than to the group and questioning or interrupting the person speaking at the time. If crosstalk occurs, the chair will remind you of this policy.”

What is the no cross-talk rule? ›

The most important of these is the no crosstalk rule. … It requires that each person be silent for the meeting, to just be present and listen without being called upon to respond. This experience is different to listening to a conversation or a workshop.

What does "no cross-talk" mean? ›

No one could even interject a comment during someone else's share. "No crosstalk" also meant not criticizing what another person said, not telling someone what to do about their problems, and not analyzing anyone else's psyche or situation.

What is the na 3rd step prayer? ›

God, I offer myself to Thee – To build with me and to do with me as Thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do Thy will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of Life.”

What is the purpose of the Serenity Prayer in AA? ›

The Serenity Prayer is the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) prayer recited at the end of each AA meeting. The purpose of the prayer is to serve as a daily reflection on the association between inner peace and freedom from substance use. Serenity requires acceptance on a minute-by-minute basis.

Is the Serenity Prayer a mantra? ›

The Serenity Prayer was originally written by religious scholar Reinhold Niebuhr (1892–1971) around 1932. Since that time, the prayer has been modified and adapted for numerous purposes, including as a mantra used by Alcoholic Anonymous and other 12-step programs.

What is the prayer for serenity in Buddhism? ›

The Serenity Prayer: (God) please let me accept the things I cannot change; give me the Courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference. You may or may not choose to use the word God.

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.